Moonflower | Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom
Moonflower is the first plant obtained in Modern Day in Plants vs. Zombies 2. She is a sun-producing plant, and produces 25 sun (every 32-36 seconds) by default plus another 25 sun for each shadow plant adjacent to her, with the maximum generation being 100 sun for three adjacent shadow plants.
Moonflower | Plants vs. Zombies: Reflourished Wiki | Fandom
Moonflower is a plant in Plants vs. Zombies 2: Reflourished and the first plant obtained in Modern Day. She is unlocked at Modern Day - Day 1. Moonflower is a sun-producing plant, and produces 25 sun (every 32-36 seconds) by default plus another 25 sun for each shadow plant adjacent to …
Moonflower - Plants vs Zombies 2: It's Fighting Time Improved …
Moonflower is a plant from the Modern Day Area of PvZ2:IFTI. She can produce sun similar to Sunflower, with the added ability of powering up nearby shadow plants using her shadow aura. When powered, she can make double the sun than normal.
Moonflower | Plants vs. Zombies Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
Moonflower's radiate a glow that powers up adjacent Shadow plants (Nightshade and Shadow-shroom). Moonflower is a very good sun producing plant as she can give 100 sun when powered but has a slow recharge, and is slow at giving sun.
Moon Flower-how to use it? : r/PlantsVSZombies - Reddit
2017年11月17日 · A few Moon Flowers in the middle row of the screen with rows of Dusk lobbers above and below will be effective most zombies. Combing them with a few insta kill plants and you should be able to clear most levels.
is this the best moonflower position?!?! : r/PlantsVSZombies - Reddit
2023年2月1日 · Good moonflower placement, garbage nightshade placement. (The long range attack deals less damage than the close range one, you're literally ropping yourself of a lot of damage.)
Moonflower - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Project ECLISE Wiki
Moonflower is a sun producing plant obtained after beating 13-7. Her role of powering up adjacent shadow plants remains in ECLISE, with her sun production being boosted by 25 for each adjacent Moonflower up to a cap depending on her tier.
Moonflower | PvZ Roleplay Community Wiki | Fandom
Moonflower is the first plant obtained in Modern Day in Plants vs. Zombies 2. She is a sun-producing plant, and produces 25 sun by default plus another 25 sun for each shadow plant adjacent to her, with the maximum generation being 100 sun for three adjacent shadow plants.
How to properly use Moonflower? : r/PlantsVSZombies - Reddit
2020年9月16日 · Any shadow plant next to moonflower will add 25 sun to her basic sun production of 25 so if you put 4x moonflowers together they will power each other and generate 100 sun each. Bigger blocks produce massive amounts of sun which makes her one of the best sun producers in the game.
Moonflower (Alpha) - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Project ECLISE Wiki
Moonflower is a sun producing plant obtained after beating 11-4. Her role of powering up adjacent shadow plants remains in ECLISE, with her sun production being boosted by 25 for each adjacent Moonflower up to a cap depending on her tier.
Moonflower | Plants vs zombies the lawn Wiki | Fandom
Moonflower is a coin plant. She has 2 attacks, an ability, and a passive ability. Her first attack fires Solar pellets with a mag of 30. Her second attack is a burst of shadow that has a mag of 5. Her ability is to heal plants 50 in a small radius. Her passive ability is to make plants faster that step near her. Obtainment [] Cost: 60 coins
What is the moon flower in Plants vs. Zombies? - Gaming Pedia
2024年5月13日 · Moonflower is a sun-producing plant in Plants vs. Zombies that can generate 100 sun when fully powered. It has a slow recharge rate and is slow at providing sun. Moonflower is a relatively new addition to the sun-producing plants in the game, similar to Primal Sunflower.
Moonflower | Plants vs. Zombies Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Moonflower is a plant that emits a gas that contaminates and kill the zombies who smell it. The moonflower sleeps during the day but can be awaken by the Coffee Bean. The Moonflower's is a based on Ipomoea alba. The Moonflower's main power is to poison zombies with confusing and damaging toxic gas.
What is wrong with my moonflowers? Is this a visual bug or are …
2021年12月9日 · As a person who uses Moonflower and Dusk Lobber a lot, I can say with certainty that I have never seen 5 plants required to empower Moonflower. Maybe I misremembered and it was actually 4 and not 3 for level 2, but it definitely wasn't 5.
Moonflower - The Plants vs. Zombies Wiki, the free Plants vs. Zombies …
Moonflower is the first plant obtained in Modern Day in Plants vs. Zombies 2. She is a sun-producing plant, and produces 25 sun (every 32-36 seconds) by default plus another 25 sun for each shadow plant adjacent to her, with the maximum generation being 100 sun for three adjacent shadow plants.
What does Moonflower do in Plants vs Zombies? - Playbite
Moonflower is your go-to plant when you need some serious sun (or rather, moon) power! It not only produces more sun (or moon) than your average sunflower, especially when planted next to other shadow plants, but it also powers up those shadow plants, making them even more effective against the undead horde.
Moonflower | Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Ideas Wikia | Fandom
Moonflower is a new "Wild" type plant introduced in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. It costs 1 sun, has 0 strength and 2 health with the "Team-up" ability. It can also power Nightshade, Grimrose, Dusk Lobber and Shadow-shroom to give them bonus abilities and stats if it's on-screen.
Is Moonflower good or bad? : r/PlantsVSZombies - Reddit
2020年7月24日 · Keep the sun producing is enough. If you’re trying to nerf shadow plants as a whole, actually nerf the individual shadow plants rather than butcher Moonflower. That way it isn’t cheap OP plants just locked behind a high sun cost plant, rather it would be a more balanced and consistent strategy.
moon flower is actually more useful than primal sunflower
2022年6月26日 · Sunshroom is better, but Moon flower is just as good as sunshroom. Anyone who uses primal sunflower is a psychopath or not good at PVZ2. Some levels are just way too fast for sun shroom. It’s nice having a plant that gives you 75 sun right after it gets placed down.
The moonflower in PVZ2 is so insanely OP : r/PlantsVSZombies - Reddit
2022年4月15日 · The Largest Plants Vs Zombies discussion board, with topics ranging across all games and spinoffs in the series!