Moraceae - Wikipedia
The Moraceae—often called the mulberry family or fig family—are a family of flowering plants comprising about 38 genera and over 1100 species. [3] Most are widespread in tropical and …
list of plants in the family Moraceae - Encyclopedia Britannica
The following is a list of some of the major genera and species in the family Moraceae, arranged alphabetically by common name or genus.
Moraceae | Ficus, Mulberry & Fig | Britannica
Moraceae, the mulberry family of the rose order (Rosales), with about 40 genera and some 1,000 species of deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs, distributed mostly in tropical and …
MORACEAE P. Acevedo-Rodríguez A tropical to warm temperate family of ~40 genera and 1,140 species of trees or herbs, and very rarely scrambling or root-climbing lianas. In the Neotropics, …
Morus (plant) - Wikipedia
Morus, a genus of flowering plants in the family Moraceae, consists of 19 species of deciduous trees commonly known as mulberries, growing wild and under cultivation in many temperate …
Moraceae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Moraceae is a family of mostly tropical trees containing 37 genera and about 1100 species. The most important genus, both in terms of numbers and benefit to humans, is Ficus. The family is …
Moraceae Family | Botanico Hub
Moraceae is a family of flowering plants with over 1,000 species distributed around the world. The family includes trees, shrubs, and vines commonly known for their distinctive fruits and milky sap.
Moraceae - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moraceae are often called the mulberry family or fig family, is a family of flowering plants comprising about 40 genera and over 1000 species. Included are well-known plants such as …
Plant Family: 48 Genera in Moraceae - monsteraholic.com
One plant family that has particularly intrigued me is the Moraceae, also known as the mulberry family or fig family. This family boasts a rich tapestry of species, each with its unique …
Moraceae in Flora of North America - eFloras.org
Members of the large and diverse mulberry family are mainly woody and tropical; they are most abundant in Asia. The largest genera are Ficus , with approximately 750 species, and …