Rex Lapis | Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom
Morax's Gnosis was used to mint Mora at the Golden House before he retired from his position as Archon and ceded his Gnosis to the Tsaritsa. Currently, Rex Lapis resides in Liyue Harbor as Zhongli and works as a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.
摩拉克斯,米哈游出品的游戏《原神》及其衍生作品中的角色,“ 尘世七执政 ”中的初代岩神,尊号“岩王帝君”,同时也是众仙之祖 [138]。 之后化名钟离,应“往生堂”邀请而来的神秘客卿。 样貌俊美,举止高雅,拥有远超常人的学识。 钟离其人,虽说来历不明,却知礼数、晓规矩。 他所掌握的璃月传统胜过任何一位学者,坐镇“往生堂”,能行天地万物之典仪 [50]。 摩拉克斯让人们依照契约的规矩行事,其实是希望人们能遵循“公平” [66]。 作为七神中最古老的一位,摩拉克斯已经度 …
Prithiva Topaz | Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom
Prithiva Topazes are gemstones of varying quality used in the ascension of Geo characters. "The currencies that flow through this land are my flesh and blood." "For thus did I become the guarantor of the people's hard work, wisdom, and future." "This is the trust I have placed in them. Betray it, and you taint my blood."
Gems Naming System : r/Genshin_Lore - Reddit
It's about the naming system of ascension gemstones. As of 3.0 we finally got all 7 types of gemstones namely" Keep in mind that these are english names of the gemstones. All of these names based on Indian mythology with added suffix on them namely, -da, -dus, and -a. Remember about this because I will talk about it latter.
I have a question : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
2021年9月23日 · Morax, the Geo Archon is named after Morax, president of Hell. Baal, the previous Electro Archon, is named after Baal, the first king of Hell. Beelzebul, the name of the current Electro Archon, is associated with this demon. For an unexplained reason, Paimon is also named after one of the 72 demons, specifically Paimon, one of the kings of hell.
Mõrax's Enhancement Shaman PvP Build - Murlok.io
Here is the breakdown of Mõrax's PvP character build for patch 11.1, covering stats, talents, gear, embellishments, enchantments, and gems. Use it as a resource to refine and elevate your own Enhancement Shaman setup.
The Geo Element and its Symbols : r/Morax_Theories - Reddit
2023年5月9日 · Pure Geo Elemental beings all have Diamond/Cube motifs. Morax/Zhongli's overall Diamond/Cube symbolism in his design. - Zhongli's Jade Shield having Diamond and Cube motifs. - Gold-colored Diamond Gems and Diamond motifs in his clothes. - Morax's Statue of the Seven holds a Cube. - Diamond Eye pupils. Liyue's Vision is Cube and Diamond shaped.
Morax Genshin Impact
Morax, also known as the God of Contracts y King of the Stone (Chinese: 岩 王帝君 Yánwáng Dìjūn), it was the previous Archon Geo and one of the Seven who ruled the Liyue region. He is one of the two original members of The Seven who were still alive at the start of the game.
Morax - Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Morax, also known as the Geo Archon, Rex Lapis, the Exuvia, the God of Contracts, Deus Auri, and currently Zhongli, is a playable major character in the 2020 action role-playing fantasy video game Genshin Impact. Morax is voiced by Keith Silverstein in English and …
【原神】“珍珠纪行”的动画与魔神取名暗示了什么(个人向云预 …
岩神钟离:摩拉克斯(英语:Morax),是所罗门七十二柱魔神中排第21位的魔神,别名“佛拉克斯”(Farax)、“佛莱伊”(Foraii)。 为地狱中的统领和伯爵,有三十个军团 (亦有一说,三十二个军团)的恶魔受其领导。 能教导天文学,及其他广泛的科学,还能给予通晓药草(剧情里面不卜庐的永生香和三种霓裳花)及珍贵石头(烛照级的夜泊石)的妖精。 相传祂的外型是长了牡牛头的人。 但在《地狱辞典》中的插画家科兰·戴·布兰西,是将其絵制成摩洛的样子,并穿上中古世纪的 …