Morgoth vs Fingolfin and Feanor - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年4月4日 · Morgoth vs Fingolfin and Feanor deactivated-5b60e98a8eb99. Follow ... unless Feanor has the Silmarils I just don't think they'd be able to drop him in the end and he'd …
How many Balrogs did it take to defeat Fëanor?
2013年8月29日 · If feanor was like fingolfin who made morgoth himself squeel or even stronger, then it's pretty safe to assume feanor killed at least 1 balrog. To say feanor couldn't manage to …
How could Fëanor have hoped to defeat Morgoth?
2016年4月15日 · Feanor was obsessed - not too strong a word, I think - with the Silmarils, so much so that he wasn't worried about his chances per se. And while he might not have had …
Fingolfin vs Feanor - Battles - Comic Vine
Fingolfin fought on par with Morgoth who was strong enough to throw down mountains, spill oceans and force magma to rise from the earth with casual swings while Feanor dies to …
tolkiens legendarium - How could Tulkas defeat Morgoth if he was …
Tulkas was basically the god of fighting. Fingolfin was just some elf, and he held his own against Morgoth for a while in a one-on-one fight. Granted, Morgoth eventually killed him, but not …
Melkor or Morgoth? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2015年6月21日 · After that momentous event, he was given the name Morgoth (or, fully, Morgoth Bauglir) by Feanor. Morgoth is in Sindarin, and means "Dark Foe" or some similar variant (You …
Morgoth vs Thor - Battles - Comic Vine
That being said, when Melkor took on the name of Morgoth, he had grown so weak that Fingolfin (or was it Feanor, all the Mary Sue elves start to blend together) injured him by stabbing him in …
Feanor vs DCCU Wonder Woman. - Battles - Comic Vine
2016年7月2日 · The second greatest Elven King!The Amazonian Princess.Rules:Both bloodlusted.Win by death.Takes place in a generic city.Standart Gear.Who wins?
tolkiens legendarium - Why, in The Silmarillion, does Melkor …
2020年4月26日 · The sole exception is Treebeard, who is older than the sun and who simply refers to Melkor as "the Enemy." However, the elves are aware that any fight against Sauron …
Is Lúthien by far the greatest child of Iluvatar who ever lived?
2023年4月8日 · As predicted, this turned out to be far beyond the capabilities of all the Elves. In matters of force, Morgoth was far superior to any mortal or group of mortals. Lúthien did not …