Where are all the Nazgûl? | Page 2 | The Tolkien Forum
2006年7月26日 · But you are right, Alcuin, some nazgul (referred to as "they") must have remained in Minas Morgul after the Morgul Lord left with the army. But it makes sense: Minas …
"The Return of the King" | Page 7 | The Tolkien Forum
2021年3月8日 · Welcome to The Tolkien Forum! Connect with fellow Tolkien enthusiasts and join a community that is over two decades old, and still going strong. We look forward to meeting …
Use of Magic in the Dark Legion | Page 3 | The Tolkien Forum
2002年7月14日 · What about military leaders? Agar is one. What's a rule for my army? I got alot, some for hire too! -->****! I got a troll chtr. named Bill too. Where does he fit in? (nowhere …
Melkor's Treatment after the War of Wrath
2005年3月20日 · Guys, guys, there's no reason to get cantankerous at one another. The four of us are obviously having a marvellous time nit picking to death. ;) Alcuin, I agree with the whole …
The Tragic Character of Saruman. | Page 2 | The Tolkien Forum
2004年11月15日 · Also, there seems to be a pleasure in hurting from these villians, sadism, if you will. That isn't misguided love. It is simply hate. Exactly. I tink that all Sauron did was derived …
In or out? What the movie cut and added...
2002年5月6日 · Originally posted by Talimon But in either case all the changes you mention can be explained. Yes, they could be explained if you stretch it enough....That doesn't mean that it …
TOLKIEN IN LEGO - I never thought I'd be putting this in Related …
2012年3月13日 · Lego Barad-dûr Tolkien and Lego usually manifests in those little yellow men with white beard for Gandalf, and little Green cloak for Hobbits. But this is...
Quiz/Trivia | Page 109 | The Tolkien Forum
2001年10月11日 · Well-Known Member Joined Apr 27, 2005 Messages 1,126 Feb 6, 2006 #2,162 The road to Isengard said:
‘Did Tolkien Create a True Mythology’?
2002年1月7日 · Ooooooooooo.... I prostrate myself before the awesome power of the cat-loving Moderatrix!:D Don't we all? :D One could argue that Tolkien's manufactured mythology (as …
A happy ending? | Page 2 | The Tolkien Forum
2004年7月1日 · And I think that — psychologically and spiritually — the world of Middle-earth was Tolkien's own private world "over Sea," where he could go — probably being unaware of it — …