Morisco - Wikipedia
Moriscos (Spanish: [moˈɾiskos], Catalan: [muˈɾiskus]; Portuguese: mouriscos [moˈɾiʃkuʃ]; Spanish for "Moorish") were former Muslims and their descendants whom the Catholic Church and …
摩里斯科人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
摩里斯科人 (西班牙語: Morisco)原本是一支改宗 基督教 的 西班牙 穆斯林 及其后裔,現在也指改宗 伊斯蘭教 的西班牙裔。 在 伊比利亞半島 收復失地運動 期間, 亞拉岡 、 瓦倫西亞 和 格 …
Expulsion of the Moriscos - Wikipedia
The Expulsion of the Moriscos (Spanish: Expulsión de los moriscos) was decreed by King Philip III of Spain on April 9, 1609. The Moriscos were descendants of Spain's Muslim population …
Morisco | Expulsion, Reconquista & Inquisition | Britannica
Morisco, (Spanish: “Little Moor”), one of the Spanish Muslims (or their descendants) who became baptized Christians. During the Christian reconquest of Muslim Spain, surrendering Muslim …
摩里斯科人 - 百度百科
摩里斯科人(西班牙语:Morisco)是一支改宗基督教的 西班牙 穆斯林及其后裔。 在 伊比利亚半岛 收复失地运动期间, 阿拉贡 、 瓦伦西亚 和 格林纳达 的穆斯林相继投降,这些穆斯林通过 …
Moriscos - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月8日 · First recorded in 1500, the term Moriscos denotes Muslims who converted to Christianity after the fall of Granada in 1492. In effect, Morisco constitutes a highly ambiguous …
The Moriscos of Spain; their conversion and expulsion.
The Moriscos of Spain; their conversion and expulsion. Contributor Names Lea, Henry Charles, 1825-1909. Created / Published Philadelphia, Lea Brothers & Co., 1901. Subject Headings
Moriscos - ArcGIS StoryMaps
2020年4月22日 · Spain's Moriscos: a 400 year old Muslim tragedy is a story for today. I first heard about the expulsion of the 17th-century Spanish Muslims known as Moriscos back in 1992, …
The expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain in 1609–1614: the …
2007年7月1日 · The Moriscos were nominally Christian after enforced conversions at the beginning of the sixteenth century, but they mainly clung to their Islamic ancestral faith, and …
Moriscos - Infoplease
Moriscos môrĭsˈkōz [key] [Span.,=Moorish], Moors converted to Christianity after the Christian reconquest (11th–15th cent.) of Spain. The Moors who had become subjects of Christian kings …