- Morning glory, as slang for the sort of erection that a man gets while still hitting the snooze button, is recorded in the 1980s. It also goes by morning wood and the alliterative breakfast boner.了解详细信息:Morning glory, as slang for the sort of erection that a man gets while still hitting the snooze button, is recorded in the 1980s. It also goes by morning wood and the alliterative breakfast boner.www.dictionary.com/e/slang/morning-glory/slang An involuntary erection that a man achieves during sleep and wakes up with in the morning. I rolled over to snuggle my boyfriend, only to bump off of his morning glory.idioms.thefreedictionary.com/morning+gloryMorning Glory flowers traditionally hold the symbolic meaning of unrequited love and obsession in the language of flowers.www.petalrepublic.com/morning-glory-flower-meani…Yes, besides the flower and the slang term, "Morning Glory" is also the title of various songs, films, and other media, often used metaphorically to signify a new beginning or fresh start.usdictionary.com/idioms/morning-glory/(UK, informal) An involuntary erection present upon waking. What's the story morning glory? Well? / You need a little time to wake up wake upen.wiktionary.org/wiki/morning_glory
morning glory Meaning & Origin | Slang by …
2020年8月27日 · Morning glory, as slang for the sort of erection that a man gets while still hitting the snooze button, is recorded in the 1980s. It also goes by …
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MORNING GLORY中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
The residence features a lush garden of chrysanthemums, morning glory, and pansies. Chicory, morning glories and bright green grass sprout nearby. Morning glory seeds contain lysergic acid.
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The Spiritual Meaning of Morning Glory: A Comprehensive Guide
2024年6月8日 · The spiritual meaning of morning glory flowers is deeply rooted in human culture, with symbolic associations that span across various traditions. By understanding these meanings and incorporating them into our lives, we can gain valuable insights into personal growth, resilience, and the connection between ourselves and nature.
Morning Glory: Definition, Meaning, and Origin - US Dictionary
2023年8月16日 · Learn the definition, meaning, and origin of "morning glory" as a plant, a slang term, and a pop culture reference. Find out how to use it in sentences, examples, and FAQs.
MORNING GLORY Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
2025年1月10日 · The meaning of MORNING GLORY is any of various usually twining plants (genus Ipomoea of the family Convolvulaceae, the morning-glory family) with showy trumpet …
What Is the Meaning of Morning Glory …
The morning glory flower can have many meanings, but the most common include love, life, and death, or even love in vain. Its ability to rise each morning and sleep each evening …
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Morning Glory: The Story Behind Its Name - FloraQueen
Morning glory is an invasive species that spreads rapidly, choking out other plants in its path. Its ability to climb and smother vegetation poses a threat to the survival of native plant species. …
Morning glory - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Definition of morning glory in the Idioms Dictionary. morning glory phrase. What does morning glory expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
Morning Glory Flower Meaning and Secret Symbolism
2023年9月26日 · What is the Morning Glory Flower Meaning? The morning glory flower meaning is most often translated to unrequited love, organization, and much more, depending on the color. A morning glory is a flower with deep …
morning glory - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年2月18日 · Morning Glory (Penis) Would appear to refer to one that stands tall and erect on waking. 2011 , Michael Kantor, Now That You're Out [1] , page 64 : Like any man he wakes …
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