Murals > Products > Modular length (inch) - Mosa tiles
Murals. Seamless interiors, where architecture and ceramics come together in perfect synergy; this is the essence of Murals. This dynamic wall tiles collection comprises layers of carefully composed colours, formats, finishes, and textures, designed to coexist in harmony.
Murals > Producten > Mosa-tegels
Murals. Een samenhangend interieur waarin architectuur en keramiek in perfecte synergie samenkomen, dat is de essentie van Murals. Deze dynamische wandtegelcollectie bestaat uit een combinatie van zorgvuldig en harmonieus op elkaar afgestemde kleuren, formaten, afwerkingen en …
Murals > Products > View tile series - Mosa tiles
Murals. Seamless interiors, where architecture and ceramics come together in perfect synergy; this is the essence of Murals. This dynamic wall tiles collection comprises layers of carefully composed colours, formats, finishes, and textures, designed to coexist in harmony.
Murals Blend > Products > Modular length (inch) - Mosa tiles
Mosa Murals. Seamless interiors, where architecture and ceramics come together in perfect synergy; this is the essence of Murals. This dynamic wall tiles collection comprises layers of carefully composed colors, formats, finishes, and textures, designed to coexist in harmony.
Murals > Produkte > Mosa Fliesen
Murals. Eine Inneneinrichtung ohne Übergänge, in der Architektur und Keramik in perfekter Synergie zueinander finden – das ist die Essenz von Murals. Diese dynamische Wandfliesenkollektion umfasst Ebenen sorfältig ausgewählter Farben, Formate, Oberflächen und Texturen, die für eine harmonische Koexistenz entwickelt wurden.
Murals Fuse > Products > Modular length (inch) - Mosa tiles
With Murals Fuse, soft colour gradations and the use of different tone variations almost imperceptibly create the illusion of movement in a truly dynamic, contemporary surface. Fuse offers a choice from a range of colors and tile formats, ready to adapt to any design through countless configurations, to match from the more subtle styles to the ...
Murals Lines > Products > View tile series - Mosa tiles
The four series of tiles that make up Murals - Blend, Fuse, Change and Lines - draw on the same principles, but each one is clearly distinct. Together, they create a versatile and invaluable toolbox, readily available at the designer’s whim.
Murals Blend > Products > View tile series - Mosa tiles
Mosa Murals. Seamless interiors, where architecture and ceramics come together in perfect synergy; this is the essence of Murals. This dynamic wall tiles collection comprises layers of carefully composed colours, formats, finishes, and textures, designed to coexist in harmony.
Murals Fuse > Products > View tile series - Mosa tiles
Transforming architectural surfaces into vibrant works of art, the Murals Fuse series is lively and interactive, bringing the user to the centre of the spatial experience. These playful tiles are designed to give the impression of subtly changing their appearance, depending on …
Murals > Produits > Vous pouvez demander jusqu'à - Mosa tiles
Murals. Un intérieur harmonieux où architecture et céramique se rencontrent dans une synergie parfaite, telle est l’essence même de Murals. Cette collection dynamique de carreaux de faïence est composée d’une combinaison de couleurs, formats, finitions et textures soigneusement sélectionnés et en parfaite harmonie.