United States military occupation code - Wikipedia
A United States military occupation code, or a military occupational specialty code (MOS code), is a nine-character code used in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps to …
US Army MOS List
The US Army MOS list provides details on various military occupational specialties, including job descriptions and qualifications.
2022年6月9日 · in classification of enlisted personnel. This publication is a complete compilation of authorized classification identifiers for enlisted personnel and standards for grading enlis. ed …
DOD COOL Portal - Research Military Occupations
Military Occupational Codes (MOC) are alphanumeric codes assigned to each military occupational specialty. The distinct codes identify a specific job, with related duties and …
- Enter up to nine digits of the primary MOS code (i.e. 25W4O, 42A5MA3, and 18Z5PW9LA) If an NCO does not possess an ASI or LI, only a 5 digit MOS is entered - An alpha or numeric entry …
M.O.S. Table - 212warriors.com
The U.S. Army used alphanumeric codes (e.g., 11B10, Light Weapons Infantryman) to identify the Military Occupational Specialty (job) each person held. The MOS that a person was qualified …
ARMY MOS Code Index - Coulthart
A Military Occupation Specialty Code (MOS) is a numeric code used to identify a specific Army job comprised of one or more related duties and responsibilities normally requiring special …
DA PAM 623-3, Chapter 3, block b—Duty MOSC - Enter duty military occupational specialty code (MOSC) (at least five characters but no more than nine). If ASI and/or language skill identifier...
Military MOS Codes - Union Test Prep
The U.S. Army categorizes its diverse range of roles using Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) codes. These alphanumeric codes not only define the specific job and duties a soldier is …
The duty military occupational specialty code (MOSC) (at least five characters but no more than nine) that coincides with the duty title will be entered. In cases where the...