Mosin–Nagant - Wikipedia
The Mosin–Nagant is a five-shot, bolt-action, internal magazine–fed military rifle. Known officially as the 3-line rifle M1891 , [ 9 ] in Russia and the former Soviet Union as Mosin's rifle ( Russian : винтовка Мосина , ISO 9 : vintovka Mosina ) and informally just mosinka ( Russian : мосинка ), it is primarily found ...
Винтовка Мосина — Википедия
Русская 3-линейная (7,62-мм) винтовка Мосина образца 1891 года[3] — магазинная винтовка, принятая на вооружение Русской императорской армии в 1891 году. Также известна и под другими названиями — 7,62-мм винтовка обр. 1891 г. (1891/30 гг.), трёхлинейка, винтовка Мосина, Винтовка Мосина (англ. …
Primary structure of thymosin β12, a new member of the β …
1992年2月14日 · The amino acid sequence of thymosin 1812 has been elucidated by a combination of a classical sequencing approach and FAB mass spectrometry. Digestion of thymosin 1812 with trypsin and thermolysin yielded many peptides which were …
Identification Guide | Mosin Museum
Germany captured hundreds of thousands of Mosins during The Great War, and would redeploy many of them to the western front. Some of these rifles are marked " Deutschland " on the receiver, however most rifles had no markings on the receiver. The standard practice was to stamp " Deutsches Reich " on the right side of the stock.
莫辛-纳甘步枪(英文:Mosin-Nagant Rifle [15],译文:莫辛-纳甘步枪,俄文:Винтовка Мосина,又称:Vintovka Mosina [15],又译:莫辛步枪),是1891年俄国定型制造的一种步枪。 莫辛-纳甘步枪是一种旋转后拉式枪机、整体弹仓式供弹的手动操作步枪,是俄罗斯军队采用的第一种无烟发射药步枪,全枪长1020毫米、枪重3.9千克、弹仓容5发子弹(1发在枪膛)。 该枪射击精度好、性能稳定 [1] [11]。 莫辛-纳甘步枪第一型M1891莫辛-纳甘步枪,在1880年代后期 …
Imperial Russian Army - Wikipedia
In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia to compel Alexander I to remain in the Continental System and to remove the imminent threat of Russian invasion of Poland. The Grande Armée, 650,000 men (270,000 Frenchmen and many soldiers of allies or subject powers), crossed the Neman on …
Izhevsk: 200 years at the forefront of Russian rifle production
2015年6月15日 · The Izhevsk Mosin was a primary weapon of Soviet soldiers during World War II, after which the plant was expanded on an unimaginable scale after the late gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov laid down a...
Model Identification - Mosin Museum
Using the rear sight as a reference point, this page will help you quickly determine the model of the Mosin Nagant you are looking at
Tula, forge of the Russian army for over 400 years
2015年6月8日 · In 1891, Tula became the main base for the mass production of the legendary Russian automatic rifle design of the engineer Sergei Mosin, and while there are no exact production figures, millions...
谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇·莫辛 - 百度百科
谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇·莫辛(Sergei Ivanovich Mosin,1849年-1902年),俄罗斯枪械设计师。 谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇·莫辛在1886年法国采用8毫米口径M1886勒贝尔步枪后,这是第一种采用无烟发射药的小口径枪弹的军用武器,此举在世界各国引起了一场使用无烟发射药小口径枪弹的轻武器军备竞赛,在1887年至1889年间,大多数欧洲国家的军队都采用了类似的武器,俄罗斯政府也决定采用一种类似的新型连发步枪,代替现役的伯丹步枪。 莫辛也接受委托设计了一种5发单排弹仓 …