The Obrez and its Cousins - Forgotten Weapons
2012年10月3日 · Obrez is a Mosin Nagant rifle cut down to handgun size for use by partisans or criminals needing a concealable weapon - and this type of gun was made all over
The Obrez: Russian sawn off rifles - Guns.com
2013年10月7日 · Looking like something Jawas would use in a driveby, there exists a sawn off conversion of the Imperial Russian Army’s Model 1891 Mosin-Nagant rifle that is sure to draw any curious gunnies ...
Mosin Obrez - Hunt: Showdown 1896 Wiki
Russian made, bolt-action rifle. A shortened Mosin-Nagant, powerful albeit some reduced power and less effective range. The Mosin Obrez can use the following Traits: Bulletgrubber - Recover unfired round when performing partial reloads. Iron Eye - Remain in iron sights between shots when firing bolt-action, lever-action, and pump-action weapons.
2020年1月18日 · Obrez中最有名的当属俄国内战时所使用的莫辛纳干Obrez,第一次世界大战结束后,动荡不堪的俄罗斯在1917年爆发了十月革命,从此开始了长达5年的苏俄内战,当时苏联国内的反革命势力联合外国势力针对新成立的苏联发起了一次次的进攻,新生的苏联政权面对 ...
2019年7月4日 · 这种将制式步枪的枪管、枪托截短制成的武器有一个专门名称,叫做“obrez”,这个词是由俄语转化而来。 虽然可以用任何一种步枪改成“obrez”,但用莫辛纳甘步枪改造而来的数量最多,这种武器在俄罗斯的使用也最为广泛,在某种程度上甚至形成了亚文化。
Lugerman “Obrez” Mosin Nagant Pistol: Review - Handguns
2022年11月28日 · Fans of the famous Russion Mosin Nagant rifle will love this unique “sawed off” Mosin Pistol built by LugerMan Custom Manufacturing.
Obrež - Wikipedia
Obrez (from Russian: Обрез) may refer to: A modified firearm, with barrel and stock cut down in length, for example a sawn-off shotgun. As a loan-word in English, the term most commonly refers to a Mosin-Nagant modified in such a configuration.
Mosin Nagant Rifle- Conversion Obrez 7.62x54R - LugerMan
Mosin Nagant Rifle Obrez. With a Short Stock 26.5 inches overall and Barrel over 16 Inches it is still a rifle (Ready to Ship) $1295
The Obrez: Russian Sawn off Mosin Flame Maker
2013年10月14日 · Looking like something Jawas would use in a driveby, there exists a sawn off conversion of the Imperial Russian Army’s Model 1891 Mosin-Nagant rifle that is sure to draw any curious gunnies’ attention. It’s dubbed the Obrez, and its something of a flamethrower.
1 天前 · 简介:原标题:The Mosin Obrez Match Vari;已有269名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 8291、弹幕量 50、点赞数 269、投硬币枚数 58、收藏人数 45、转发人数 56 ...
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