Putting a little more power in a $15.00 Daisy - The High Road
Jul 17, 2016 · So be sure to unload the gun while safety testing the trigger after any modifications! BTW, this type Daisy BB gun can be dry fired. It's a shame the almost-all-steel trigger from the "Worlds Most Accurate" Model 499B cannot be used in the regular Daisy lever guns- it's a whole lot better than the plastic/metal trigger now used on the new models.
30-30 vs 44 mag lever - The High Road
Jan 16, 2018 · Around here, a .30-30 lever gun has usually cost no more than 2/3 the cost of a .44 Magnum lever gun. The only people I knew years ago that considered purchasing a .44 mag lever gun already had a .44 mag handgun. Most .30-30 owners I knew when I was young didn't have the coin to have a .44 mag handgun.
Is it any surprise that a gun story contained mistakes?
Feb 17, 2003 · The larger gun, called the 500 Hunter, has a 101/2-inch barrel, is 18 inches long overall and weighs more than 5 pounds. It's pictured with a shoulder sling on Smith and Wesson's Web site. The muzzle energy of the .50-caliber Magnum cartridge is three times that of the .44 Magnum -- one of the most powerful handgun cartridges in the world.
Anyone Read "Blackwater"? | The High Road
Aug 28, 2007 · I am currently reading “Blackwater” “the rise of the world’s most powerful mercenary army” by Jeremy Scahill. and was wondering if anyone has read this book and would like to share their views on it or the author. Now, I am usually not in …
Shotgun Education Needed - The High Road
Mar 17, 2010 · Are the common gauges 12,20, and 410 and in power the least is 410 then 20 and most powerful 12? You're missing 10, 16, and 28 - which are common here, and 24 and 32, which are common in Europe.
How many guns can you carry? - The High Road
Aug 18, 2008 · I think if I where in such a situation I would want the biggest, most powerful cartrigde easily accessable and a machine gun (stolen from the government/zombies/invaders of course). Would you prefer a more traditional battle rifle or perhaps something along the lines of a sniper rifle? Just curious. I though the zombie situation readings were getting slim, had to …
Recoil Limit | Page 2 | The High Road
Jan 31, 2020 · The model of gun matters more than the cartridge to me. The largest caliber I’ve fired is 480 Ruger out of an Alaskan and it wasn’t too bad. 44 magnum out of an old Vaquero on the other hand I hated shooting.
Why we need National CCW Reciprocity now! - The High Road
Jan 17, 2012 · I think some people on here assume that most people with guns are just as knowledgeable about gun laws as they are and that's a mistake. Many people with guns know nothing about gun laws or what states/cities are more restrictive then others.
less lethal ammo for HD - The High Road
Nov 21, 2004 · The only reason I can think of for using less than the most powerful round available is, penetrating the neighbor's wall or a family member that can't handle the max loads.
.357 large game loads - The High Road
Feb 27, 2003 · PaulS has some good thoughts. The .357 is not a Brown bear gun,especially in an emergency. The more powerful the pistol, the better off you will be. I also heartily agree with a Keith Semi-wadcutter for whatever you decide on. Hell, a lot of high power rifles are not enough gun for an angry bear. Stay clear of bears altogether. Quantrill OP OP B