库尔德斯坦工人党 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
库尔德斯坦工人党(庫爾德語: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan/پارتیا کارکەرێن کوردستان ,缩写为 PKK/پکک ;土耳其語: Kürdistan İşçi Partisi ;阿拉伯语: حزب العمال الكردستاني ),中文名称通常翻译为库尔德工人党 [註 1] ,是一个于1970年成立 ...
库尔德工人党 - 百度百科
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) | Kurdish Militancy, History,
5 天之前 · The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is a militant Kurdish nationalist organization founded by Abdullah Öcalan in the late 1970s. Although the group initially espoused demands for the establishment of an independent Kurdish state, its stated aims were later tempered to calls for greater Kurdish autonomy.
PKK's Motives in Restarting the Turkish Conflict and ... - LinkedIn
2017年2月26日 · A prominent Kurdish politician in Turkey, Ahmet Turk, recently expressed his suspicions of PKK motivation in killing two police officers in 2015 effectively reigniting the Kurdo-Turkish conflict.
Implications of Turkey's War Against the PKK
2015年8月14日 · Although the PKK effectively ended the ceasefire by killing Turkish officers, it seems to have its own motives for controlling the violence. In the 1990s, the group carried out brazen attacks such as temporarily seizing Kurdish-majority towns in the southeast, bombing shopping malls, conducting suicide attacks, and carrying out mass executions ...
Türkiye's regional ambitions and the PKK challenge | Opinion
2024年11月8日 · The attack on TAI by the PKK on Wednesday, Oct. 23, has created a challenging environment for Türkiye. The timing and location of the TAI attack were crucial in understanding its motive. Three reasons can be considered that might have motivated the PKK to carry out such an attack.
The PKK’s Ideological Odyssey - Taylor & Francis Online
2020年8月3日 · During the 1980s and 1990s, the PKK organized a guerrilla insurgency against the Turkish state and managed to mobilize many Kurds. However, in 1999, after its leader Abdullah Öcalan was captured by Turkey, the PKK began to undergo a radical ideological transformation that has significantly altered the movement’s long-term objectives and the ...
Anschlag in Paris: Rassistisches Motiv vermutet – PKK-Randale in …
2022年12月24日 · Nach dem tödlichen Angriff in Paris bleibt der mutmaßliche Täter in Polizeigewahrsam. Die Ermittler vermuten ein rassistisches Motiv des Franzosen. Indes wurden mindestens sechs Polizisten bei Zusammenstößen mit PKK-Anhängern verletzt.
PKK-spåret – Wikipedia
PKK-spåret, även kallat Kurdspåret, var en teori i utredningen av mordet på Sveriges statsminister Olof Palme, enligt vilken den kurdiska gerillaorganisationen Kurdistans arbetarparti, PKK, skulle ha låtit mörda Palme.
Terror in der Türkei: So gefährlich ist die PKK - Berliner Morgenpost
2024年10月24日 · Die türkische Regierung vermutet die verbotene kurdische Terrororganisation PKK hinter dem Anschlag auf eine Rüstungsfirma in Ankara. Beide Attentäter wurden von der Polizei getötet. Einer von...