GAZ Volga - Wikipedia
The Volga (Russian: Волга) is an executive car that originated in the Soviet Union to replace the GAZ Pobeda in 1956. Their role in serving the Soviet nomenklatura made them a contemporary cultural icon. Several generations of the car have been produced.
前苏联国车——伏尔加为什么消失了 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
伏尔加轿车具有俄国汽车经久耐用、马力强劲的特点,因此受到了各国车迷的喜爱,比利时人称它为“车轮上的坦克”,英国人则称之为“能负重的马”。 到了1960年,虽然嘎斯-21依然相当受欢迎,但设计上也逐渐显得落伍。 因此, 高尔 基汽车厂开始着手下一代产品的开发。 1967年,伏尔加全新的嘎斯24(GAZ-24)开始限量生产,首批共生产了24辆,它被视为伏尔加系列的经典车型:车身线条多采用简洁的直线,明显摆脱了美式车的风格,其外形设计的影响一直延续到嘎斯-31105 …
GAZ-24 - Wikipedia
The GAZ-24 "Volga" is a car manufactured by the Gorky Automobile Plant (Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod, GAZ) from 1970 to 1985 as a generation of its Volga marque. A largely redesigned version (practically, a new car in a modified old body) – GAZ-24-10 – was produced from 1985 to 1992.
伏尔加(Volga)是俄罗斯高尔基汽车厂的一款著名汽车品牌,曾被广泛地用于社会主义国家的公务用车,在东欧、中国、朝鲜等国也极为常见。 配备一辆伏尔加汽车,在当时是一种身份与地位的标志。
GAZ-21 - Wikipedia
The GAZ M21 Volga is an automobile produced in the Soviet Union by GAZ (Gorkovsky Avtomobilniy Zavod, in English "Gorky automobile factory") from 1956 to 1970. The first car to carry the Volga name, it was developed in the early 1950s.
长安投了一枚币,俄罗斯伏尔加汽车复活发新车了!_汽车整车_什 …
2024年5月24日 · 近日,俄罗斯媒体报道称,当地时间21日,在俄罗斯下诺夫哥罗德举行的工业展览会上,著名的俄罗斯汽车品牌伏尔加(Volga)宣布复活,并展示了三款全新的
Soviet Cars Were Weird: Volga GAZ-24 - Motor1.com
2016年3月18日 · This is the Volga GAZ-24, an executive salon by Russian car manufacturer GAZ that was displayed for the first time at the London Motor Show in 1970.
The Soviet atomic car of 1965: a fish in the Volga - COCKPIT
2024年7月3日 · During testing, the Volga Atom traveled 60,000 kilometers without refueling. However after this distance, the engine had to be changed for a new engine. As a result, Soviet scientists corrected this problem and created an engine with gaseous fuel in the form of uranium hexafluoride instead of solid uranium.
Russia: Volga Automobile, Part 1 (History) – Windows to Russia
2019年3月24日 · Throughout the Soviet world, Volga cars were seen as a high status symbols, used by party officials, the nomenclature, and security services. Also all Volga cars traditionally were used as taxi cabs, road police interceptors and ambulances.
Coche del día: GAZ-24 “Volga” - espíritu RACER
2021年3月10日 · El GAZ-24 “Volga” es un automóvil fabricado por el grupo empresarial Gorkovsky Avtomovilny Zabod (Fábrica de Automóviles de Gorky, de ahí GAZ), concretamente de su gama Volga. Se fabricó desde 1967 hasta 1985. El GAZ-24 se creó para sustituir al vetusto Volga GAZ-21, desarrollado durante la década de los 50.