Motorola SLVR L7 - Full phone specifications - GSMArena.com
Motorola SLVR L7 phone. Announced Q1 2005. Features 1.9″ display, 820 mAh battery, 11 MB storage.
摩托罗拉l7是 摩托罗拉 公司2005年推出的一款直版超薄手机。摩托罗拉l7采用锐红色凋修饰机身,侧面效果看l7薄得惊人,并回归卡片薄机主题。 摩托罗拉L7采用锐红色凋修饰机身,侧面效果看L7薄得惊人,并回归卡片薄机主题。
Motorola Slvr - Wikipedia
Originally announced as the SLVRcam V280, the Motorola L6 was released shortly before its heavily advertised brother, the L7 (see below). The L6 held the title of the thinnest mobile phone in the UK for a short while, before being beaten by the Samsung P300. Features of the L6 include Bluetooth, MP3 ring tones, camera and video on it.
Motorola SLVR L7 review: Motorola SLVR L7 - CNET
Motorola's super slim SLVR L7 is a beautifully crafted phone with features including an MP3 player, microSD card slot and Bluetooth. Following in the footsteps of its other vowel-deficient...
【Moto L7】报价_参数_图片_论坛_Moto L7手机报价-ZOL中关村 …
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Motorola - SLVR L7 | Mobile Phone Museum
When launched, Motorola described the SLVR L7 as its “next generation design ultra-slim handset”. The company claimed the “inspirational mobile device reflected two key silhouettes - sleek and thin – both at the core of Motorola’s evolving design philosophy.”
【摩托罗拉L7】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_摩托罗拉L7系列手机大 …
摩托罗拉l7 系列 薄乎想象的外形,26万色大彩屏,激光精雕锐平键盘,在黑暗中闪现夺目锋芒,薄然出众的音乐体验,多种数码音乐格式播放,可移动闪存卡支持MP3/AAC编码格式的音乐播放 立于时尚之巅,自然不可放过任何时尚的风吹草动。
新浪手机为您提供摩托罗拉L7(motorola,moto L7)手机详细参数,让您全方位了解摩托罗拉L7功能,摩托罗拉L7性能,摩托罗拉L7规格,摩托罗拉L7配置。 新浪科技 ...
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