MOTTO中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典
MOTTO翻译:座右铭,格言,箴言。 了解更多。
Motto - Wikipedia
In literature, a motto is a sentence, phrase, poem, or word; prefixed to an essay, chapter, novel, or the like, suggestive of its subject matter. It is a short, suggestive expression of a guiding principle for the written material that follows.
motto是什么意思_motto的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线 …
Our motto: credit first, rational price, customer foremost, excellent quality. 我们的宗旨是: 信誉第一, 价格合理, 顾客至上, 品质优良. The motto many people repeat is: reduce, reuse, recycle. 其口号是: 少用, 重复使用, 回收. Moderation in all things is my motto. 凡事有节制是我的座右铭. In Rotary, our motto is Service Above Self. 在扶轮中, 我们的座右铭是:超我服务.
MOTTO中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
MOTTO翻譯:座右銘,格言,箴言。 了解更多。
深扒美国各州的专属Motto,哪个最洋气? - 知乎
位于美国东南部的 佛罗里达州 (State of Florida)的Motto是:In God We Trust(我们信赖上帝)。 这个Motto最早可追溯到1868年南北战争结束不久,当时该州的立法机构就通过法律,规定在州的官方印章上写上这句话。
The 50 Most Famous Mottos of All Time - Minimalism Made Simple
Jun 6, 2023 · In this article, we get to the heart of human knowledge by looking at the 50 most famous mottos ever. These cover a wide range of ideas, from perseverance and courage to togetherness and the truth, and each one still speaks to us today. “Give me liberty, or give me death!” – Patrick Henry.
101 Powerful Personal Mottos To Live By (Examples To Choose …
Aug 29, 2019 · Whether it’s a famous quote or a catchy phrase, a good motto can inspire you to stay focused on your goals, shift your perspective, and remind you of your values and beliefs. …
MottoPro Inc – Plastic Manufacturer Company
At Mottopro, we specialize in crafting tomorrow’s essentials sustainably, one polymer at a time. Our commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability sets us as an icon in the plastic manufacturing industry.
156 Powerful Mottos To Lead A Meaningful Life – Hello-Fearless
Feb 15, 2024 · A motto is a short phrase or statement that encapsulates your beliefs, values, and guiding principles. When we live by a motto, it helps us to stay focused on what truly matters, make decisions with intention and purpose, and ultimately lead a more meaningful life.
MottoMottoKawaii 吾爱v1.0 - 教程之家
Sep 6, 2021 · MottoMottoKawaii 吾爱是一款相当不错的即时视频美化播放器软件,虽然目前MottoMottoKawaii 吾爱只有UMP版,用户可以自行前往 win10 应用商店进行下载,通过强大的即时美化播放功能,让用户视频中的人物可以拥有顶级美颜效果,感兴趣的用户欢迎下载体验。 软件可以实时美化视频图像。 填充和颜色匹配是目前支持的功能。 用户可以通过调整皮肤研磨和色彩调整参数,更好地控制美化和紧致之间的平衡。 软件的颜色匹配提供了多种风格。 用户可以 …