Mount Vernon High School | Home of the Majors | Fairfax County …
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Contact | Mount Vernon High School - Fairfax County Public Schools
School Address: 8515 Old Mt Vernon Rd Alexandria, VA 22309. The main office phone number is 703-619-3100. The school office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mount Vernon High School is part of FCPS Region 3. Visit the Region 3 website to learn more.
Staff Directory | Mount Vernon High School
The following is an alphabetical directory of the Mount Vernon HS staff. Type in a staff member’s last name and select Search for quick results. Or you can search by department or job title. For example, to find all of the staff who teach English, you can type “English” and select Search.
About Mount Vernon High School | Mount Vernon High School
Modeling and promoting pride and appreciation of ourselves, our school, and our community. Teaching the skills of inquiry and reflection to cultivate a love of life-long learning. Providing rigorous and relevant opportunities for each student to achieve and thrive.
Athletics | Mount Vernon High School - Fairfax County Public …
We Are Mount Vernon! View team schedules, rosters, and coaching information for all teams at all levels, read game summaries, revisit previous seasons, volunteer, and more. Visit the official site of Major Athletics!
Bell Schedules and Calendars | Mount Vernon High School
Mount Vernon High School 8515 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria VA 22309 Main Office. 703-619-3100. 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Attendance. 703-619-3131. Attendance procedures. Principal. Cary Dimmick. Follow on Social Media. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Fairfax County Public Schools ...
Academics | Mount Vernon High School
A high school academy is a center within an existing high school that offers advanced technical and specialized courses that successfully integrate career and academic preparation.
Student Life & Activities | Mount Vernon High School
Mount Vernon High School 8515 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria VA 22309 Main Office. 703-619-3100. 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Attendance. 703-619-3131. Attendance procedures. Principal. Cary Dimmick. Follow on Social Media. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Fairfax County Public Schools ...
School History | Mount Vernon High School
The school's current location opened in 1961 as the original Walt Whitman Intermediate School. Whitman and Mount Vernon swapped campuses in 1973. Explore the resources on this page to learn more about the history of Mount Vernon High School.
Administration | Mount Vernon High School
Administrator for School Counselors, Clinicians, and Family Liaisons ; @email. Administrative Support Team: Patricia O'Hara (703-619-3112) Carly Davis (703-619-3100)