Blood gases and energy metabolites in mouse blood before …
We found that all of the injectable anesthetics tested (ketamine/xylazine, chloral hydrate, propofol and pentobarbital) caused a decrease in blood pH and partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) and an increase of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), indicating respiratory depression.
Neurovascular coupling and CO2 interrogate distinct vascular
2024年9月2日 · We combined functional ultrasound and two-photon imaging in the mouse barrel cortex to specifically examine the onsets of local changes in vessel diameter, blood flow dynamics,...
pH、PCO₂、HCO₃⁻......血气分析解读看这一篇就够了!|低氧血症|代 …
2023年4月30日 · 主要根据pco2和ph进行判断。 (1)PCO2:增高>45mmHg,提示呼吸性酸中毒;减少<35mmHg,提示呼吸性碱中毒。 (2)Ph:与PCO2协同判断呼吸性酸碱失衡是否失代偿。
Non-invasive intraoperative monitoring of blood pressure and …
2007年1月30日 · Non-invasive techniques for blood pressure and end tidal p CO 2 (PET CO 2) measurements were therefore developed to allow the control of physiological parameters in mice without the necessity of blood sampling.
Healthspan and lifespan extension by fecal microbiota ... - Nature
2019年7月22日 · Here, we find that two different mouse models of progeria are characterized by intestinal dysbiosis with alterations that include an increase in the abundance of Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria,...
Measurement of pO2, pCO2, pH, pulse oximetry and capnography
2005年6月12日 · Air bubbles introduce error and cause a fall in pCO 2 and an increase in pO 2 . The polarographic (Clark) oxygen electrode measures the oxygen partial pressure in a blood or gas sample.
Transcutaneous blood gas CO2 monitoring of induced …
We assessed a simple, noninvasive method of monitoring transcutaneous partial pressure of CO2 (Ptcco2) in mice to determine whether it would provide an accurate and reproducible method to assess ventilatory depression in mice.
CO2 responsivity in the mouse measured by rebreathing
We have modified the rebreathing method to study CO2 responsivity in very small mammals. Tidal volume (VT) and frequency (f) of pentobarbital-anesthetized mice were measured during rebreathing from a closed circuit, primed with 95% O2, 5% CO2, through which the gas was constantly circulated at 0.5 l X min-1.
Comparison of ETCO2 Value and Blood Gas PCO2 Value of
2021年4月27日 · Blood gas analysis is an important indicator in the follow-up and treatment of patients, and especially the partial pressure (pCO2) value of the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas dissolved in the blood provides guidance for selecting the mode of the mechanical ventilator and adjusting its settings [3].
Differential effects of ethanol concentration on blood pH, PCO2 …
1983年2月1日 · Composite pH, PCO2, and PO2 measures for SS mice injected with 205.0, 247.0, 308.3, or 410.0 mg/ml ethanol or saline were compared, and results indicated a significant variation as a function of concentration, F(12,77)=9.7, p<0.001.
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