Difference between "mov eax, [num]" and "mov eax, num"
I wrote up a guide to x86 addressing modes, including covering the difference between NASM and MASM on this bit of syntax: mov ecx, num vs. mov ecx, OFFSET num. It was an attempt …
What does mov eax, dword ptr [eax] do? - Stack Overflow
2021年3月15日 · The instruction mov eax, eax may be a no-operation code but that is not what you have here. You're loading from memory, as indicated by the [] "contents-of" characters. It …
What is the difference between "mov (%rax),%eax" and "mov …
2016年12月20日 · In AT&T syntax, the instruction: mov (%rax), %eax # AT&T syntax or, equivalently in Intel syntax: mov eax, DWORD PTR [rax] ; Intel syntax dereferences the …
x86 Instruction help: MOV [edx], eax - Stack Overflow
2012年12月24日 · mov eax,[edx] does exactly the reverse, reads a value stored from the memory, from the address given in edx, and stores it in eax. [reg] always means indirect …
Why did GCC generate mov %eax,%eax and what does it mean?
2012年8月11日 · However, in this case the previous mov -load is also 32-bit so the high half of %rax is already cleared. The mov %eax, %eax appears to be redundant, apparently just a …
assembly - mov %eax, (%esp) - Stack Overflow
2014年12月3日 · What is the difference between the following statements? mov %eax,%esp mov %eax,(%esp) I'm working on diffusing a binary bomb and am having trouble with a few of the …
Differences between PUSH eax and mov [esp], eax?
2021年11月21日 · What is the difference between the two lines push eax mov [esp], eax Doesn't push eax on to the stack (where esp is pointing to just as mov [esp], eax does?)
assembly - Why cannot do mov [eax], [ebx] - Stack Overflow
2019年2月2日 · The acceptable operands for the mov instruction are shown here. mov [eax], [ebx] is attempting to move one memory location (dereferenced from the value in the ebx register) to …
assembly - Understanding x86 MOV Syntax - Stack Overflow
2014年12月3日 · mov eax, 0x73 ; Move hex 73 to EAX and eax, 0x0F ; Keep lower half of EAX mov dl, byte_404580[eax] ; MAGIC With the above assumption that EAX is initially 0x73, I get …
What’s the difference between EAX, EBX, and ECX in assembly?
2022年11月11日 · eax, ebx, ecx and so on are actually registers, which can be seen as "hardware" variables, somewhat similar to higher level-language's variables. Registers can be …