MPG1 Encodes a Fungal Hydrophobin Involved in Surface …
The MPG1 gene sequence predicts a small protein belonging to a family of fungal proteins designated hydrophobins. Using random ascospore analysis and genetic complementation, we showed that MPG1 is necessary for infection-related development of Magnaporthe grisea on rice leaves and for full pathogenicity toward susceptible rice cultivars.
MPG1, a gene encoding a fungal hydrophobin of Magnaporthe …
The MPG1 gene encodes a fungal hydrophobin of M. grisea that is expressed during development of aerial hyphae, conidia, and appressoria. Deletion of MPG1 reduces the efficiency of appressorium formation. We found that yeast extract repressed MPG1 expression in vitro and inhibited appressorium development of the rice pathogen, strain Guy11.
Identification and characterization of MPG1, a gene involved in ...
MPG1 potentially encodes a small, secreted, cysteine-rich, moderately hydrophobic protein with the characteristics of a fungal hydrophobin. Consistent with the role of the MPG1 gene product as a hydrophobin, Mpg1 mutants show an "easily wettable" phenotype.
Self-assembly of MPG1, a hydrophobin protein from the rice
2016年5月4日 · We demonstrate that, in vitro, MPG1 assembles spontaneously into amyloid structures while MHP1 forms a non-fibrillar film. The assembly of MPG1 only occurs at a hydrophobic:hydrophilic...
MPG1 potentially encodes a small, secreted, cysteine-rich, moderately hydrophobic protein with the characteris- tics of a fungal hydrophobin. Consistent with the role of the MPG1 gene product as a hydrophobin, Mpg1 mutants show an easily wettable" phenotype. Our results suggest that hydrophobins may have a role in the elaboration of infective.
MPMI Journal 1996 | MPG1, a Gene Encoding a Fungal …
MPGI is required for efficient induction of appressoria in response to a host surface or highly hydrophobic artificial substrates. However, we identified several artificial substrates that can support efficient appressorium formation of mpgl strains.
Identification and Characterization of MPG1, a Gene Involved in ...
1993年12月1日 · MPG1 potentially encodes a small, secreted, cysteine-rich, moderately hydrophobic protein with the characteristics of a fungal hydrophobin. Consistent with the role of the MPG1 gene product...
Mpg1, a fission yeast protein required for proper septum
2005年7月28日 · In this study we have isolated and characterized mpg1, an essential S. pombe gene encoding a putative GDP-mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase. Mpg1 homologues have been proposed to be involved in cell wall maintenance and protein glycosylation in various organisms (Hashimoto et al. 1997; Nickle and Meinke 1998).
Self-assembly of MPG1, a hydrophobin protein from the rice
2016年5月4日 · Here we report details of a study of the structure, assembly and interactions of these proteins. We demonstrate that, in vitro, MPG1 assembles spontaneously into amyloid structures while MHP1 forms a non-fibrillar film. The assembly of MPG1 only occurs at a hydrophobic:hydrophilic interface and can be modulated by MHP1 and other factors.
MPEG-1 - 百度百科
MPEG-1是MPEG组织制定的第一个 视频 和 音频 有损压缩 标准。 视频压缩算法于1990年定义完成。 1992年底,MPEG-1正式被批准成为 国际标准。 MPEG-1是为CD光碟介质定制的的视频和音频 压缩格式。 一张70分钟的CD光碟传输速率大约在1.4Mbps。 而MPEG-1采用了块方式的 运动补偿 、 离散余弦变换 (DCT)、量化等技术,并为1.2Mbps 传输速率 进行了优化。 MPEG-1随后被Video CD采用作为核心技术。 MPEG-1的输出质量大约和传统录像机VCR,信号质量相当,这 …