MPS2222A Datasheet (PDF) - ON Semiconductor
Description: General Purpose Transistors (NPN Silicon). Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor.
See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 5 of this data sheet. Preferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall …
MPS2222A(RANGE:100-200) - 立创商城
下载MPS2222A (RANGE:100-200)中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有三极管 (BJT)详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
MPS2222, MPS2222A MPS2222A is a Preferred Device General Purpose Transistors NPN Silicon MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Collector–Emitter Voltage MPS2222 MPS2222A VCEO 30 40 Vdc Collector–Base Voltage MPS2222 MPS2222A VCBO 60 75 Vdc Emitter–Base Voltage MPS2222 MPS2222A VEBO 5.0 …
See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 5 of this data sheet. Preferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall value. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300 s, Duty Cycle 2%. fT is defined as the frequency at which |hfe| extrapolates to unity.
General Purpose and Low VCE(sat) Transistors | MPS2222A
该 NPN 双极晶体管适用于线性和开关应用。 该器件采用 TO-92 封装,适用于中等功率应用。 Product services, tools and other useful resources related to MPS2222A. 如需购买产品或样品,请先登录您的安森美账号。 I Cont. (A) Loading... 如果你希望对这款 安森美 产品作进一步了解,欢迎点击下方提交表格联系我们的销售团队。
MPS2222A_JSMSEMI (杰盛微)_MPS2222A中文资料_PDF手册_价 …
MPS2222 (A) Datasheet by ON Semiconductor - Digi-Key …
Collector Cutoff Current (V CE = 60 Vdc, V EB(of f) = 3.0 Vdc) MPS2222A I CEX − 10 nAdc
集电极与基极反向漏电流(I CBO): 0.01 μA. 发射极与基极反向漏电流(I EBO): 0.01 μA. 特征频率(f T): 300 MHz. 直流放大系数(h FE): 100~300. 封装: TO-92.
MPS2222A onsemi | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
6 天之前 · MPS2222A onsemi Bipolar Transistors - BJT 600mA 75V NPN datasheet, inventory, & pricing.