MPU 100 Medical-Grade Biocompatible Material - Carbon
MPU 100 is Carbon’s first medical-grade material, designed to help medical product manufacturers accelerate product development cycles and improve the quality of their products. The material offers a unique combination of biocompatibility, sterilizability, and durability, in addition to engineering-grade mechanical properties, abrasion ...
Know Your Materials: MPU - SyBridge Technologies
2019年10月28日 · Multi-purpose Polyurethane (formerly Medical Polyurethane, known as MPU 100) is an additive material developed for Carbon’s ® digital light synthesis (DLS) process. This material’s characteristics include biocompatibility, sterilizability, and durability.
MPU 100 is a versatile material suitable for a potential range of medical applications. MPU 100 shows excellent response to ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization with moderate change in physical properties and rapid reduction in EtO levels post-
MPU是日本2008年3月日本筑波材料科学国家实验室在天文射电望远镜表面防护处理中制成的全新复合材料。 因其采用的高分子聚合物制成相对热塑性聚氨酯类橡胶具有更多对溶剂有良好的抵抗能力;还有良好的耐天候性,良好的耐高能射线性能。 耐磨性,抗撕裂性,屈扰强度都是优良的;拉伸强度高,伸长率大等特点。 能够较好配合UV压敏胶包覆在各类精密设备表面。 防止酸雨、紫外线、沙尘磨损等自然环境对设备表面的损害。 MPU (Memory Polyvinyl Unit)Suntest:4.2. 这 …
Carbon Releases New MPU 100 Material for Medical Applications
REDWOOD CITY, CA – Sept. 5, 2018 – Carbon (www.carbon3d.com), a Silicon Valley-based digital Manufacturing company, today announced the launch of its first medical-grade material: Medical Polyurethane 100 (MPU 100). This white polymer resin provides an unparalleled combination of mechanical strength, biocompatibility and sterilizability ...
MPU 100 offers a unique combination of mechanical strength, biocompatibility, and sterilizability. The information in this document includes values derived from printing various parts, reflects an approximation of the mean value of a range of values, and is intended for reference and comparison purposes only.
PU与CPU、TPU、MPU热塑型聚氨酯 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年6月28日 · 是一种新兴的有机高分子材料,被誉为“第五大塑料”,因其卓越的性能而被广泛应用于国民经济众多领域。其分为浇注型 聚氨酯弹性体 (简称 cpu ),热塑型聚氨酯弹性体(简称 tpu ),混炼型聚氨酯弹性体(简称 mpu )。
混炼型聚氨酯配方优化及共混改性研究 - 豆丁网
2024年4月3日 · 混炼型聚氨酯(mpu)是具有优异力学性能、耐磨性能和耐介质性能的特种橡胶材料,本课题以mpu为基体,探究了mpu的硫化体系和补强体系对它的影响,同时将mpu与其他材料进行共混改性,对共混胶的性能变化进行了研究。
MPU 100 | Medical Polyurethane | Prototek
Carbon’s MPU 100 (medical polyurethane) is a high-performance thermoplastic material designed for the healthcare industry. Its strength, durability, and exceptional chemical resistance make it an ideal choice for manufacturing medical equipment and devices.
Engineered with mechanical strength and resistance to abrasion and chemicals, MPU 100 offers engineering-grade properties comparable to medical-grade ABS. This material helps medical product manufacturers streamline product development and improve quality while meeting stringent biocompatibility standards.