[分享] Kia Sorento MQ4 開箱 - 看板 car - 批踢踢實業坊
2021年4月5日 · 前言: 小弟曾於2019年時因載家人空間需求,曾經比較過市面上14台7人座含5+2的車型, 後來於2020年11月終於決定了車款,經過了好一段的候車期,終於在3月初 順利的交車了!! 原本想說很晚才拿到車,板上應該會有分享文,沒想到冷門車終究是冷門車阿, 都交車好一段時間了都沒看到車友分享,只好獻醜惹XD,還請多多指教。 菜單如下: 牌價 164.9萬 旗艦版 白色 原本就送車側踏板、氣氛燈、防水踏墊、 後艙摺疊防汙墊、後廂遮物簾、前後行車紀錄器 折價3 …
Kia Sorento Fourth generation (MQ4) (2021 - 2022)
Fourth generation (MQ4) of Kia Sorento has been in production since 2021 by 2022. In addition to external changes, the model has undergone changes in technical terms. Fourth generation (MQ4) is shorter than the previous generation by 0.1 inches , is wider by 0.4 inches , is higher by 0.4 inches. The weight of the car has decreased by 16 lbs.
All-New 2021 Kia Sorento MQ4 Previewed, Will Feature Hybrid Power
2020年2月4日 · Produced in over three million examples since the original was introduced in 2002, the Sorento MQ4 will continue to be offered with four- and six-cylinder engines fueled by either gasoline or...
[分享] Kia Sorento MQ4 開箱 - car板 - Disp BBS
2021年4月5日 · 駕駛的視野算非常清楚、車頭距離不難抓,除了太寬右側都會特別小心。 駕駛座的內裝很有這個世代的車型設計,當然也可以說很學賓士啦XD (韓國不易外?) 中間兩個方形置杯架 (可是純喫茶放不進去阿...),兩邊門上還各有一個置杯空間。 如果後座有人而副駕沒人的時候可以方便使用。 同時還有冷氣出風口及兩個USB充電孔,十分夠用。 第三排倒平時空間只有大而已,非常好用,想塞什麼基本上都不是問題。 再加上輕便嬰兒車還是夠使用,隔板下方也還有 …
2021 Kia Sorento (MQ4) Has A New Platform And 227 HP 1.6-Liter …
2020年2月19日 · Underpinning the Sorento is Kia’s new midsize SUV platform that incorporates a compact engine bay structure, shorter overhangs, and a longer wheelbase. Compared to the outgoing Sorento, the new...
[分享] Kia Sorento MQ4 開箱 - PTT評價
2021年4月4日 · [分享] kia sorento mq4 礦石藍 看到車友拋磚引玉的開箱文後, 我決定也來分享一下冷門SUV的購車心得。 2019年末升格為二寶爸後, 就動了換車的念頭, 目標鎖定在200萬以內的5+2SUV,
Kia Sorento/4th generation - NamuWiki
2025年3月11日 · It was released on March 17, 2020, and its code name was MQ4 according to Hyundai Motor Group's new project name. Kia's forthcoming SUV design is said to have an angular and muscular body shape based on Telluride, and the Sorento is no exception.
Kia Sorento (MQ4) - Dimensions
2024年7月29日 · The Kia Sorento (MQ4) is a mid-size SUV that blends style, space, and advanced technology. Continuing the success of earlier Sorento models, the MQ4 features a sleek, modern design with a bold grille and refined lines, echoing the upscale look of the Telluride.
기아 쏘렌토 4세대 모델별 차이점 완벽 분석(MQ4와 MQ4 PE)
2024年11月6日 · 기아 쏘렌토는 중형 SUV 시장에서 높은 인기를 얻고 있는 차량으로, 2020년 출시된 4세대부터 완성도 높은 디자인과 최신 기술을 선보이며 주목받아왔습니다. 특히 2023년 페이스리프트 (부분변경) 모델인 더 뉴 쏘렌토 (MQ4 PE) 는 다양한 업그레이드와 기능 추가로 큰 호응을 얻고 있습니다. 이번 글에서는 쏘렌토 4세대의 초기형과 페이스리프트 모델의 차이점을 중심으로 기아의 디자인 변화와 주요 사양들을 비교하고자 합니다. 1. 외관 디자인. 2. 실내 옵션 …
Kia Sorento MQ4 - Car.info
Kia Sorento MQ4