Ming Qing Women's Writings - Libraries
With the December 2023 update, the online Ming Qing Women's Writings digital archive now contains 431 collections of poetry and other writings by women from the holdings of seven participating libraries.
Ming Qing Women's Writings - Libraries
本網站包括由麥基爾大學圖書館 Digital Initiatives 團隊設計和實現的虛擬圖書館與在線學術性設備。 此外,對每一個作者,網站提供了指向哈佛大學中國歷代人物傳記資料庫的相關鏈接。
明清妇女著作数字化项目(MQWW)发起的目的 Goal of the MQWW Project •数据库计划专注于对明清期间的女性作品的 数字化工作。目的是使其能为当前及今后的 学者,研究人员,以及相关大众通过互联网 访问及使用这一文化遗产,而不必亲自到各 个存有原资料的图书馆。
Based on the “Ming-Qing Women’s Writings (MQWW), a digital archive and database” project and the “China Biographical Database (CBDB)” project, which have been collaborating since 2008, this paper uses different digital methods to analyse the Ming-Qing women poets’ lives, such as the themes of their poems, their geographical
Ming-Qing Women's Writings - Harvard Library
A valuable resource for scholars studying women's roles in China from the 14th through the 20th centuries. An item from the Ming-Qing women's writings collection. View Details. The Ming-Qing writings in this collection offer rich insight into women's roles in Chinese literature, history and culture from the 14th through the 20th centuries.
Multi-Quantum Well (MQW) Edge Emitting Laser – Ansys Optics
In this example, we demonstrate a workflow for simulating the L-I curve of an InGaAsP-InP multiple-quantum-well (MQW) edge-emitting laser (EEL). Calculated L-I curves and lasing frequencies at different temperatures are compared to results reported in the literature.
MQW Product Reference Manual - Ansys Optics
Learn about the steps in the MQW solver GUI workflow. Learn how to define the material properties that will be used in your simulations. For using the MQW solver in FE IDE, it is not necessary to define geometry and simulation region.
明清妇女著作 - 中山大学图书馆
《明清妇女著作》数字档案与数据库是由麦基尔大学图书馆 Digital Initiatives 团队设计的全文专题古籍数据库,收录美国哈佛大学哈佛燕京图书馆、北京大学图书馆、中山大学图书馆、中国国家图书馆、华东师范大学图书馆等机构所藏明清时期269种中国女性著述,对了解明清时期女性文学文化发展成就有重要价值。 数据库还提供了指向哈佛大学中国历代人物传记数据库的相关链接。...
Ming Qing Women's Writings - Libraries
The Ming Qing Women's Writings digital archive and database project is dedicated to the digitization of collections of writings by women in late imperial China (1368-1911). The website was launched in 2005.
女性视角下的历史研究——明清女性著作数字档案与数据库,Journal …
2020年8月12日 · 本文概述了明清女性文学 (MQWW) 项目的目标、主要特点和数字工具,该项目包含 400 多部女性文学作品集 (17th– 20 年初th世纪)。 网站 (http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/mingqing/) 可访问具有可搜索组件和可下载数据库的文本扫描图像 …