SCP-527 - SCP Foundation
SCP-527 displays no other anomalous qualities. The head of SCP-527 functions the same as the head of any other non-anomalous human. SCP-527 is capable of typical human speech. A …
MR SCP - YouTube
Welcome to the wonderful world of Mr SCP! I do high quality dramatic readings for the stories and tales from the SCP Foundation Wiki, located at http://www.scp-wiki.com.
SCP-2284 - SCP Foundation
2001年1月1日 · Description: SCP-2284 is a male humanoid of Indian descent that is almost genetically identical to, and is the identical brother of SCP-2148. The words "Mr. Lie, from …
scp-527-鱼先生 - 哔哩哔哩
描述: SCP 是一個男性人形生物,高 1.67 米,在生物上沒有異常,除了其頭部為 Puntius semifasciolatus,即條紋二須䰾。 SCP-527 沒有表現出其他異常特性。SCP-527 的頭部活動 …
SCP-527|鱼先生:美人鱼,但是鱼头人身 - 百家号
2024年8月16日 · SCP-527是一个男性人型生物,身高167厘米。 除了其头部是条纹二须鲃外,没有其他异常。 SCP-527的头部活动和任何普通人类的头部相同。 SCP-527可以使用人类语 …
SCP-527 - Mr. Fish 魚先生 - longluntan
描述: SCP 是一個男性人形生物,高 1.67 米,在生物上沒有異常,除了其頭部為 Puntius semifasciolatus,即條紋二須䰾。 SCP-527 沒有表現出其他異常特性。 SCP-527 的頭部活動 …
SCP-527 - "Mr. Fish" | SCI Pathos III Wiki | Fandom
SCP-527, more commonly known as "Fish" or "Mr. Fish", is a neutral, Euclid class, and sentient humanoid SCP characterized by its head and body of an unknown species of fish. SCP-527 …
Little Misters | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The Little Misters are a group of SCP Foundation personnel altered by Doctor Wondertainment into collectibles. [1] The Misters usually have anomalous properties that are of use to …
SCP-2148 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-2148 is a male humanoid of Indian descent. The words "Mr. Stripes, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment" are tattooed upon SCP-2148's right …
SCP-662 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · A short well-dressed Caucasian butler of self-proclaimed British heritage, calling himself Mr. Deeds, will appear from the nearest area not within line of sight, usually from …