On-Load Tap-Changers - Reinhausen
Five reasons why you should choose MR on-load tap-changers: The smallest high-speed resistance type tap-changer in the world, made for single-phase applications. The ECOTAP® VPD® can be easily integrated in… ECOTAP® VPD® is the solution for all operators who have to maintain voltage in a defined and stable band in public, industrial and private…
VACUTAP® VV® - Reinhausen
Compact on-load tap-changer in vacuum technology for transformers of the medium power range. VACUTAP® VV® is the professional for network applications, but can also be used in nearly all other applications.
MR vacuum switches are used in steel and aluminum smelters around the world as well as on drilling rigs in areas that pose an explosion hazard or in chemical operations with a corrosive or dirty environment. This is because MR is the first and only manufacturer of on-load tap-changers to have VACUTAP® VV®
MR有载分接开关技术手册-通用部分.pdf 46页 - 原创力文档
2018年1月9日 · mr有载分接开关技术手册-通用部分.pdf,td 61 061/02/01/0 td 61/02 vacutap ® vt td 124 vacutap ® vv td 203 vacutap ® vr td 237 oiltap ® v td 82 oiltap ® ms td 60 oiltap ® m td 50.
VACUTAP®VVS® - 上海尼奥电气设备有限公司
MR 公司有大量真空有载分接开关投入运行, 没有其他分接开关制造商可与之比拟。 VACUTAP® VVS® 是在成熟耐用的 VACUTAP®VV® 基础上开发而来, 其油室内包含一个切换开关和分接选择器。 这种紧凑型设计可优化变压器和变压器单元的空间配置。
MR VACUTAP VV III 250 Y/D Operating Instructions Manual
View and Download MR VACUTAP VV III 250 Y/D operating instructions manual online. On-load tap-changer. VACUTAP VV III 250 Y/D industrial equipment pdf manual download.
MR油浸式真空有载分接开关.pdf 2页 VIP - 原创力文档
2017年8月9日 · 不同的是 型真 v vv 3 工作原理 空分接开关是真空断流器替代了电弧触头, 油不污 染,提高了分接开关的绝缘强度,解决了 型有载 mr 油浸式真空有载分接开关采用单电阻过渡 v 电路。
VACUTAP VV, The network application professional. Compact on-load tap-changer in vacuum technology for transformers of the medium power range. VACUTAP VV is the professional for network applications, but can also be used in nearly all other applications. Technical Data
MR VV型开关切换原理 - 百度文库
MR VV型开关切换原理-切换方向 n → n+1n n+1MTSILMTSTTSRMSVTTS TTV 大约150 ms n n+1MSVTTVSTCMRT MarketingDate: 05.09.07VACUTAP® VV 电阻式真空有载分接开关切换顺序切换方向 n → n+1n n+1MTSILMTSTTS.
The product is delivered in accordance with MR's technical specifications, which are based on information provided by the customer. The customer has a duty of care to ensure the compatibility of the specified product with the customer's planned scope of application. The original operating instructions were written in German.