Mr. Money Mustache — Early Retirement through Badassity
MMM Boot Camp - send me the top 52 articles of all time, once per week. SUBSCRIBE! The 4% Rule: The Easy Answer to "How Much Do I Need for Retirement?" In the world of early retirees, we have a concept that goes by names like "The 4% rule", or "The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate", or simply "The SWR."
All The Posts Since The Beginning of Time - Mr. Money Mustache
Find your Net Worth, Spending, and Savings Rate. You’ll Never Believe How Much the MMM Family Spent This Year… It’s Winter… Get Out and Enjoy it! Are You Giving the Shaft to your Future Self? MMM Challenge: Can You go Car-Free This Weekend? Electric Bikes: Gateway Drug to Bike Commuting? Great News: You’re Allowed To Have Only One Kid!
The Ultimate Life Coach - Mr. Money Mustache
2024年5月18日 · Freedom and money reveal a person’s true strengths and weaknesses, and the result is a spectrum with “Unlimited drugs and booze on the couch” at one end, and “Create and manage a series of nonprofit foundations which employ thousands of people to research and invest in medical advances and clean energy” at the other.
计算器上的“MC,MR,M+,M-”分别是什么意思? - 百度知道
MR:Memory Recall的意思,将当前计算出来的数字呈现出来。 MS:无视目前记忆多少数字,直接以当前数字取代记忆中的数字。 范例:计算(2x3) + (5x6) - (2x4)这串数字时,就可以利用M+、M-的功能快速分开运算,最后再计算结果。
萌新医药代表需要知道的老板称呼 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
DM、DSM 都是 地区经理 的意思。 我入行时都叫DSM,现在叫DM和DSM的都有,中间的S是Sales的意思。 RM、RSM 大区经理。 道理还是一样的,怎么叫都行,中间的S是Sales。 MM 市场经理。 就是我们常说的市场部的经理,这又分为区域市场部,就是上面的那个LMM,还有中央市场部。 一般中央市场部公司内部地位高一些。 GM (General Manager) 总经理。 俗称的全国老大...... VP (VP Marketing&Sales) 营销副总裁。 整个体系的老大! BU Director、BU Head 事业部 …
Mr. Money Mustache - YouTube
Videos about Personal Finance, Early Retirement, and Other Stuff.
What is my MMR ? League of legends MMR Checker
2024年9月28日 · MMR is a term used to distinguish players from the least skilled to the most skilled. MMR stands for MatchMaking Rating, which is a system of individual skill points that is intended to be hidden by Riot Games, the American company that develops the game League of Legends, who are the only ones with access to its data.
简单 git mm 多仓管理 - CSDN博客
2024年12月12日 · git mm sync. 拉取单独某个子仓代码. git mm list // 查看所有子仓 git mm sync // <子仓名字> 拉取时带仓名就可以拉取对应的仓. 创建并切换到一个新分支. git-mm start --all <new_branch_name> 解决冲突 拉取某个mr. git mm cherry-pick -s 21469 // 同步MR8621,包含未合入. cherry-pick失败解决 ...
The Money Mustache Community - Index
2012年3月12日 · Embark on a life-boosting journey with others. Issue challenges and see if anyone wants to join in to match or even attempt to beat your efforts. Financial, lifestyle, and physical challenges encouraged! in Re: Mortgage Payoff Club... Already living the FI life? Have questions for those who are?
The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement - Mr. Money Mustache
2012年1月13日 · It turns out that when it boils right down to it, your time to reach retirement depends on only one factor: Your savings rate, as a percentage of your take-home pay. If you want to break it down just a bit further, your savings rate is determined entirely by these two things: How much you take home each year. How much you can live on.