Geissele Mid-Range Gas Gun, (MRGG), 6.5 Creedmoor, DDC
The MRGG features the latest in weapon technology available exclusively from Geissele Automatics. This rifle chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor features a Geissele suppressor ready flash hider mounted to an in-house produced 20” barrel.
FN America Mid Range Gas Gun (MRGG) - The Mag Life
2022年5月12日 · The MRGG lineup from the respected gun maker is currently made up of two rifles, the MRGG-A and the MRGG-S. The FN America MRGG is, as its name suggests, a Mid Range Gas Gun. Although it has some SCAR-like features it is …
US SOCOM Selects Geissele Automatics for MRGG-S
2023年9月5日 · During a video introducing some new products published on 31 August, Bill Geissele announced that Geissele’s submission to US SOCOM’s MRGG-S (Mid-Range Gas Gun) program had been selected. The new rifle appears to have beaten out rival designs from other down-selected companies, including FN and LMT.
米国佬最近的几种新枪弹图 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
FN MRGG (Mid Range Gas Gun) 正在参加米国特囧作战司令部的招标. 使用6.5毫米口径 克里德莫尔弹 (6.5mm Creedmoor cartridge) MRGG-A突击型,配备14.5英寸(368mm)长的枪管. MRGG-S狙击型,配备20英寸(508mm)长的枪管. 可全自动射击
USSOCOM Small Arms Update | Soldier Systems Daily
2021年5月20日 · The first is the Mid-Range Gas Gun (MRGG and pronounced like “Margie”). Chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor, this gas operated rifle will be offered in two variants: Assault and Sniper Support. Consequently, you will see the variants referred to …
USSOCOM Awards Geissele Automatics $29 Million for Mid Range Gas Gun ...
2023年9月30日 · This week, USSOCOM finally issued a contract for the Mid Range Gas Gun – Sniper or MRGG-S (pronounced Margie-Ess at SOCOM), a 6.5 Creedmoor gas gun. However, the barrel is user swappable to 7.62mm as per the requirement.
FN公司透露MRGG原型枪更多细节 根据美军特种部队反馈意见研 …
2022年6月12日 · 在现代海军陆战队展览(Modern Day Marine)现场,FN美国公司展出了中程导气式枪械(MRGG,Mid Range Gas Gun)。 该枪正在参加美国特种作战司令部的招标项目,虽然可以看到FN的两款样枪受到了SCAR的显著影响,但很多部件都是全新设计的。 该枪与SCAR共用一个铝合金挤压上机匣、模块化枪托和模块化下机匣,但这些部件的设计与SCAR都有差异。 FN美国公司的设计前往美军多个特种部队,询问基础官兵如果FN要设计一款新枪,他们想要 …
FN美国公司推出两款中程导气式步枪 配备两种口径 延续SCAR血统
2022年5月11日 · 近日,FN美国公司展示了中程导气式枪械(MRGG,Mid Range Gas Gun)。 虽然可以肯定该枪与SCAR具有血缘关系,但它采用了大量新设计,足以让它获得全新的名称。
Geissele Automatics Mid-Range Gas Gun MRGG, 20" 6.5 …
The Geissele Mid-Range Gas Gun, (MRGG) is a part of a family of rifles called the Very Long-Range Semi-Automatic Sniper System, or VSASS. The VSASS project started as a single weapon for a special requirement, but it quickly morphed into a family of rifles.
MRGG - Firearms
MRGG; ALG DEFENSE. Rifles; Pistols; SBRs; SUPPRESSORS; Upper Receiver Groups. Complete Upper Receiver Groups; Stripped Upper Receiver Groups; Parts & Tools. Lower Parts. Lower Receiver & Receiver Sets; Lower Parts & Lower Parts Kits; Buffer Tubes & Super 42 Buffer Springs; Stocks; Grips; Upper Parts. Charging Handles; Super Modular Rails; Bolt ...