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Results - MRIC vote for Board of Directors Start: 2018-08-30 08:00:00 US/Mountain End: 2018-09-13 20:00:00 US/Mountain Turnout: 112 (31.2%) of 359 electors voted in this ballot.
MRIC - Magnolia Road Internet Cooperative
The Magnolia Road Internet Cooperative (MRIC) has been providing Internet service since 2001 to areas West of Boulder, Colorado including Sugarloaf, Magnolia, Coal Creek Canyon, Blue Mountain Estates, Nederland's Ridge Road, and Boulder's Lakeshore neighborhoods.
2022年11月30日 · dedicated to MRIC and how it is to be paid for or licensed. - The Board needs to develop a requirements list that defines MRIC’s needs. - Paul will put together a statement that indicates MRIC would like to keep Ayva as a vendor, with the services and management procedures well defined 3.2. Treasurer's Report - No Report 3.3.
MRI C J u l 2 0 1 8 An n u a l Me e ti n g Mi n u te s . Discussion on Tiered service. Throttling at certain times of day? Can we see what each person is using?
2022年11月17日 · 5.1. Significant discussion of Mark Wilson's proposal that Ayva Inc acquire MRIC. More questions than answers. Mark's actions seem to put MRIC operations and man-power resources at additional risk.(11/12/2022) 5.2. Discussion of MRIC/Ayva future Paul wants to get an email sent to Nick, seeking comments on the proposed letter Paul emailed.
MRI C J u l 2 0 1 8 An n u a l Me e ti n g Mi n u te s . Discussion on Tiered service. Throttling at certain times of day? Can we see what each person is using?
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