In this article, we discuss the design and implementation of the new MRRR version STEGR that will be included in the next LAPACK release. By giving an algorithmic description of MRRR …
LAPACK Working Note 162: The Design and Implementation of the MRRR …
In the 90s, Dhillon and Parlett devised a new algorithm (Multiple Relatively Robust Representations, MRRR) for computing numerically orthogonal eigenvectors of a symmetric …
In the 90s, Dhillon and Parlett devised a new algorithm (Multiple Relatively Robust Representations, MRRR) for computing numerically orthogonal eigenvectors of a symmetric …
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The design and implementation of the MRRR algorithm
2006年12月1日 · The (sequential) algorithm of Multiple Relatively Robust Representations, MRRR, is a more efficient variant of inverse iteration that does not require reorthogonalization. …
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We present an implementation of the MRRR algorithm on a data-parallel coprocessor using the CUDA pro-gramming environment. We obtain up to 50-fold speedups over LA-PACK’s MRRR …
基于CUDA实现MRRR算法并行 - jsjkx.com
摘要: MRRR(Multiplc Rclativcly Robust Rcprcscntations)算法是求解对称三对角矩阵本征值问题高效、精确的算 法之一。在分析MRRR算法及CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture) …
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Feb 13, 2020 - Read Ch.4 from the story The Seven Bad Boys: GANG WARS // BTS FF by _ohhmandy_ (amanda. 🥀) with 2,096 reads. kpopfanfic, ff, taehyung. Y/n: "J-Joshua?" I ask...
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