Kwant:一个计算紧束缚模型量子输运性质的Python包 - Ji-Huan …
2019年11月19日 · 安装方法可以使用 conda(conda是比较简单的安装方法,此外也可以用 pip 等):conda install -c conda-forge kwant 。 安装可能需要等比较久一点。 如果在 Windows 下的命令行窗口中无法安装,可以试着开启管理员模式的命令行窗口。 此外,可阅读另外几篇博文: import numpy as np. from matplotlib import pyplot. def make_system(): . a = 1 # 晶格常数 . lat = kwant.lattice.square(a) # 创建晶格,方格子 . syst = kwant.Builder() # 建立中心体系 . t =1.0 # …
GitHub - kwant-project/kwant: Mirror of the Kwant project https ...
Kwant is a free (open source) Python package for numerical calculations on tight-binding models with a strong focus on quantum transport. It is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Thanks to the use of innovative algorithms, Kwant is often faster than other available codes, even those entirely written in the low level FORTRAN and C/C++ ...
kwant 量子输运札记(0):从入门到放弃 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
可以为kwant单独创建一个环境。 首先在命令行中查看已有的环境: 这样会自动安装相关的包。 安装过程中有时候会遇到断连或者解析环境慢的问题,用了清华的源也不太好使,所以改了一下.condarc的配置: - defaults. - conda-forge. http: https: 最后三行是自行配置的代理,以希冀能加快速度。 安装好kwant后,可以在 Jupyter Notebook 中导入使用。 然而默认的kernel是默认环境base (root)的,为了能切换kernel,这里参考了. 降级了numpy …
Quantum transport simulations made easy | Kwant
Kwant is a free (open source), powerful, and easy to use Python package for numerical calculations on tight-binding models with a strong focus on quantum transport.
A Python package to simulate time-dependent quantum transport in nanoelectronic devices.
kwant 量子输运札记(1):建立系统 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
kwant官方的教程是从算电导开始的,但电导计算需要一定的理论背景,并且需要连接电极等额外设置,因此先从熟悉的画能带开始。 脑洞大开 发布于 2022-01-29 18:07
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Kwant库中常用的模块和方法 - Ji-Huan Guan
2019年11月20日 · Kwant 里有六个核心模块: 这六个模块中有一些方法比较常用,被定义为高级的方法 (Top level package),可以用 kwant 直接调用。 这里列出来: kwant.builder.Builder 可以直接写成 kwant.Builder。 kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry 可以直接写成 kwant.TranslationalSymmetry 。 kwant.plotter.plot 可以直接写成 kwant.plot。 kwant.solvers.default.wave_function 可以直接写成 kwant.wave_function。 每个模块中都有很 …
kwant/doc/source/tutorial/faq.rst at master · kwant-project/kwant - GitHub
Kwant is a tool for working with tight-binding models, which can be viewed as a graph composed of edges and vertices. Sites are Kwant’s labels for the vertices. Sites have two attributes: a family and a tag. The combination of family and tag uniquely defines a site. For example let us create an empty tight binding system and add two sites:
kwant · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2025年3月8日 · tight-binding model simulation of the effects of an exterior electric field on a circular quantum dot using Kwant. This Repo includes the conductance calculation codes and the plotting codes for the paper (arXiv: 1901.02655). This Repo includes the quality factor, conductance, wave function calculation codes in the paper (arXiv: 2111.01178).