MS4A2 Gene - GeneCards | FCERB Protein | FCERB Antibody
2024年12月25日 · MS4A2 (Membrane Spanning 4-Domains A2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with MS4A2 include Ige Responsiveness, Atopic and Allergic Asthma. Among its related pathways are Regulation of activated PAK-2p34 by proteasome mediated degradation and Innate Immune System.
MS4A基因家族在哪些单细胞亚群特异性高表达呢 - 知乎
这个时候得到的规则是 MS4A基因家族的1代表B细胞,而2代表肥大细胞,4,6,7都是髓系细胞(前面也提到的MS4A6A和MS4A7恰好把两个不同的单核细胞区分开来)。 做了几百个单细胞数据集的降维聚类分群后,发现MS4A基因家族经常出现在不同数据集的不同单细胞亚群特异性高表达热图里面,就想着探索一下。 我们这里以大家熟知的pbmc3k数据集为例。 大家先安装这个数据集对 …
MS4A2 - Wikipedia
High affinity immunoglobulin epsilon receptor subunit beta is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MS4A2 gene. [5] [6]
MS4A2 membrane spanning 4-domains A2 [ (human)] - National …
MS4A2 was differentially expressed between Fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls. The results explain how initial membrane interactions of clustered IgE-Fcepsilon RI complexes lead to downstream cellular responses.
Trends in Immunology:MS4A家族在体内平衡、免疫和疾病中的作用 …
在人和小鼠中,CD20/MS4A1主要由B细胞表达,MS4A2由肥大细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞表达,MS4A3由造血区室中骨髓和淋巴谱系的祖细胞表达。 相关研究也表明,TMEM176是由RORγt + 淋巴细胞表达的,这是一种转录因子,可识别人类和小鼠的T辅助型17 (Th17)细胞和3组先天淋巴样细胞 (ILC3s)。 尽管最近发现的一些MS4A蛋白不在造血区室中表达,但该家族的核心是造血特异性的,其特征是每个成员在特定白细胞亚群上的表达受限。 因此,MS4A蛋白可能调节它们 …
SingleMarker - Cell Taxonomy - CNCB-NGDC
The relevant cell types for Ms4a2 are ranked by evaluation of supported literature, expression enrichment and conservation. This panel shows the cell types of the cell marker in various tissues.
跨膜 4 域 A2(MS4A2)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
该基因编码高亲和力 IgE 受体的 β 亚基,该受体是跨膜 4A 基因家族的成员。 这个新生蛋白家族的成员具有共同的结构特征和相似的内含子/外显子剪接边界,并在造血细胞和非淋巴组织中表现出独特的表达模式。 该家族成员定位于 11q12,位于一组跨膜 4A 基因家族成员中。 可变剪接导致编码不同蛋白质的多个转录变体。 已经描述了其他转录变体,但需要实验验证。 [RefSeq 提供,2012 …
The tetraspan MS4A family in homeostasis, immunity, and disease
2021年9月1日 · MS4A4A and MS4A6A are not the only MS4A proteins the gene variations of which have been associated with pathological states. MS4A2 is the β subunit of the Fcε receptor and regulates its ability to respond to IgE. Mice lacking Ms4a2 (FcεRI –/–) were protected from cutaneous and systemic anaphylaxis [13].
MS4A2 membrane spanning 4-domains A2 [ Homo sapiens …
2024年8月27日 · Using immunohistochemistry, we validated that MS4A2, the beta subunit of the IgE receptor expressed on mast cells, is a favorable prognostic indicator and show that MS4A2 gene expression is an independent prognostic marker for early-stage lung cancer patient survival.
Gene: Ms4a2 (membrane spanning 4-domains A2) Rattus …
Enables SH2 domain binding activity; phosphoprotein binding activity; and protein kinase binding activity. Contributes to IgE receptor activity. Involved in positive regulation of mast cell degranulation; protein kinase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway; and regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol.