ms90354, military standard, fastener, blind, high strength, pull type, positive mechanical lock, protruding head, alloy steel, 112 k.s.i. fsu (28 feb 1994) [s/s by nasm90354].
D- Suffix to MS90353 and MS90354 indicates aluminum IVD coating P- Suffix to Cherry Part No.for A286 CRES parts indicate cadmium plate D- Suffix to Cherry indicates aluminum IVD …
Alloy Steel MS90354.............................................. Page 8. The Huck Blind Bolt system is a service proven high strength blind fastening system, which combines important features of …
Cherry Maxibolt® Blind Bolts - Cherry® Aerospace
It conforms to MS90353/MS90354, and MS21140/MS21141, meets the requirements of MIL-F-81177 and MIL-F-8975, and is listed in QPL81177 and QPL8975. Maxibolts are primarily used …
MS90354 Rivets - Military Fasteners
MS90354-0505 Blind Rivet. Length: 0.467", Grip: 0.281", protruding head, steel, MS90354 series rivet
Blind Bolt - UBP-T(MS90354U) - Howmet Aerospace
Browse Blind Bolt - UBP-T(MS90354U) in the Howmet Aerospace catalog including Item #,Nominal Size,Design Grip Range Min. - Max.,Single Shear,Tensile,Hole Limits +.003 / …
MS90354-0504 Rivet - Military Fasteners
$46.74 EA, Fastener Length: 1-3/16in. If you require a quote on this or any product please visit our quote request page » Browse our frequently asked questions page. You may contact us by …
MS90354-0606 Rivet - length 0.553 - Military Fasteners
MS90354-0605 Blind Rivet in Rivets. Length: 0.49", protruding head, steel, MS90354 series rivet
Military Standard MS90354S0503 Rivet, Blind - SkyGeek
Need More? 4 Packs on order and expected in ± 11-14 business days. Military Standard MS90354S0503 Rivet, Blind - Visit and view our entire SkyGeek, Hardware, Rivets, Military …
Item # MS90354-0604, Blind Fastener - MS90354-0604 - Monroe …
Monroe Aerospace is a stocking distributor of MS90354-0604 and other mil-spec hardware including huck bolts.