Marine Scout Sniper Rifle - Wikipedia
The Marine Scout Sniper Rifle (MSSR) is a Philippine semi-automatic designated marksman rifle developed by the Philippine Marine Corps for their Marine Scout Snipers.
海军陆战队侦察狙击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年1月7日 · 海军陆战队侦察狙击步枪 (Marine Scout Sniper Rifle 或称 MSSR)是一把 半自动 狙击步枪,发射 5.56×45毫米 子弹,由 菲律宾海军陆战队 以 M16A1 改进而成。 菲军在 反暴乱行动 (英语:Counterinsurgency) 及 内部保安 后,为了节省弹药开支 [1],决定开发5.56毫米口径的 狙击步枪 (菲军大部分狙击步枪使用 7.62毫米 口径)。 5.56毫米子弹可弥补7.62毫米子弹在短距离狙击上的过大后座力问题,亦较适合在菲律宾丛林作为主要步枪装备。 MSSR在1996 …
海軍陸戰隊偵察狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
海軍陸戰隊偵察狙擊步槍 (Marine Scout Sniper Rifle 或稱 MSSR)是一把 半自動 狙擊步槍,發射 5.56×45毫米 子彈,由 菲律賓海軍陸戰隊 以 M16A1 改進而成。 菲軍在 反暴亂行動 (英语:Counterinsurgency) 及 内部保安 後,為了節省彈藥開支 [1],決定開發5.56毫米口徑的 狙擊步槍 (菲軍大部份狙擊步槍使用 7.62毫米 口徑)。 5.56毫米子彈可彌補7.62毫米子彈在短距離狙擊上的過大後座力問題,亦較適合在菲律賓叢林作為主要步槍裝備。 MSSR在1996年由菲律賓 …
步枪科普:海军陆战队侦察狙击步枪 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2023年6月29日 · 海军陆战队侦察狙击步枪(Marine Scout Sniper Rifle 或称 MSSR)是一把半自动狙击步枪,发射5.56×45毫米子弹,由菲律宾海军陆战队以M16A1改进而成。 类型 狙击步枪. 原产地 菲律宾. 服役记录. 服役期间 1996年— 使用方 菲律宾海军陆战队. 参与战争/冲突 菲律宾叛乱. 生产历史. 研发者 菲律宾海军陆战队. 研发日期 1996年. 生产商 菲律宾政府兵工厂. 生产日期 1996年. 衍生型 夜间作战武器系统(Night Fighting Weapon System-NFWS) 基本规格. 重量 …
2020年12月21日 · The MSSR was developed out of a need for a designated sniper rifle for the Landing Battalions of the Filipino Marines. They were operating on a limited budget, and didn’t have the expert gunsmiths to modify a M14 or any of the other standard rifles used for sniping.
Converting M16A1s into sniper rifles: the story of the ... - Reddit
2020年12月4日 · The Marine Scout Sniper Rifle (MSSR) is a sniper rifle developed by the Philippine Marine Corps due to a lack of a dedicated precision rifle and is a derivative of a M16A1 assault rifle.
GA MSSR (Marine Scout Sniper Rifle) Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle ...
2017年8月17日 · The result became the "Marine Scouting Sniper Rifle" based largely on the American Colt M16A1 assault rifle (detailed elsewhere on this site), offering the tried-and-true gas-operated action with direct-impingement system (rotating bolt) firing the ubiquitous 5.56x45mm NATO intermediate rifle cartridge from existing 20- and 30-round STANAG ...
Marine Scout Sniper Rifle - Wikiwand
The Marine Scout Sniper Rifle (MSSR) is a Philippine semi-automatic designated marksman rifle developed by the Philippine Marine Corps for their Marine Scout Sn...
Marine Scout Sniper Rifle | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Marine Scout Sniper Rifle or MSSR is a select fire sniper rifle developed from the Colt M16A1 rifle by the Philippine Marine Corps Scout Snipers due to the lack of a dedicated sniper rifle [1] [2] which is used in the Armed Forces of the Philippines. [1] The design brief for the rifle was to...
Sniper Central
The MSSR was developed out of a need for a designated sniper rifle for the Landing Battalions of the Filipino Marines. They were operating on a limited budget, and didn't have the expert gunsmiths to modify a M14 or any of the other standard rifles used for sniping.