MT-LB - Wikipedia
The MT-LB (Russian: Многоцелевой Тягач Легкий Бронированный, romanized: Mnogotselevoy tyagach legky bronirovanny, literally "multi-purpose towing vehicle light armored") is a Soviet multi-purpose, fully amphibious, tracked armored fighting vehicle in use since the 1970s.
【全网最全】(合作)MT-LB系列全族谱/发展史/型号大全 - 哔哩 …
2023年9月7日 · 乌克兰对MT-LB的全方位升级,换装310马力发动机、安装附加装甲和一个Shkval炮塔,装备30mm 2A72机炮、AGS-17榴弹机枪和9M113M“竞赛-M”反坦克导弹发射器(选装)。 装备Shkval炮塔并换装“屏障”反坦克导弹的MT-LB改进型,取消了附加装甲。 以MT-LBU改进底盘搭载122mm榴弹炮的自行火炮改进型。 以MT-LBU改进底盘搭载120mm 2A80-1迫击炮的迫榴炮改进型。 战场魔改,MT-LB加装2S9“诺娜”自行迫榴炮的炮塔。 装备9M114“蚕茧”反坦克 …
MT-LB装甲输送车 - 百度百科
MT-LB装甲输送车(英文:MT-LB Light Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle [1],简称:MT-LB装甲车),是20世纪70年代苏联研制装备的一种履带式装甲输送车。 MT-LB装甲输送车是替换AT-L装甲履带式火炮牵引车(该车已从前线退役)的装备,该车是在MT-L非装甲履带式两栖装甲车的基础上研发的,主要用于运输武装步兵、牵引122毫米D-30榴弹炮或100毫米T-22 反坦克炮。 该战车有多种改型,如指挥通信车、炮兵火控车、运货车和其它特殊用途车型 [2]。 MT-LB装甲输送车 …
MT-LB装甲输送车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MT-LB (俄语: Многоцелевой Тягач Легкий Бронированный, 羅馬化:Mnogotselevoy tyagach legky bronirovanny,英語: multi-purpose towing vehicle light armored, 直译: 多用途轻型装甲牵引车)是 苏联 产的多用途履带式 两栖 装甲车,20世纪70年代投入使用。 20世纪90年代起 波兰 也开始生产这种战车,其原装发动机(雅罗斯拉夫尔发动机厂 (英语:Yaroslavl Motor Plant) 制造)被波兰 PZL梅莱茨 (英语:PZL Mielec) 公司制造的的6缸SW680柴油发动机 …
佐治敦的红虫(long)军械库(三):默默无闻的工具车——MT-L …
MT-LB - Army Guide
The MT-LB is an amphibious armored tracked vehicle. It has a low-silhouette, box-like hull made of welded steel plates, and a small turret on the right front that mounts a single 7.62-mm machine gun. There are four firing ports: one on each side of the vehicle and one in …
The MT-LB, soviet cold war armoured tractor - tank-afv.com
MT-LB means Многоцелевой Тягач Легкий Бронированный or Mnogotselevoy Tyagach Legky Bronirovanny: "Multi-Purpose Towing Vehicle, Light, Armoured". The Soviet Central Auto and Tractor Directorate started a development program to replace the AT-P series.
MT-LB Multipurpose Armored Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
The MT-LB (Russian: Mnogotselevoy Tyagach Legky Bronirovanny = "Multi-Purpose Towing Vehicle Light Armored") is a Soviet-origin, tracked, lightly-armored, multipurpose, amphibious transport and...
MT-LB Light Armored Multi-purpose Vehicle - inetres.com
The MT-LB is a multipurpose soft-terrain vehicle that can be used as an APC or command vehicle, a prime mover for various types of artillery, and a cargo and general transport vehicle. The MT-LB is an amphibious armored tracked vehicle with a hull made of welded steel plates.
MT-LB Multipurpose Armoured Vehicle - Federation of American …
The MT-LB can employ an extra-wide-track with an "aggressive" grouser to make over snow and swamp operations easier. The wide-tracked version, designated MT-LBV, has a track which is 565 mm wide compared to the normal 350-mm-wide track. The wider track reduces ground pressure from 0.46 to only 0.28 kg/cm 2. The MT-LB is a multipurpose vehicle.
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