The US Mobile Tactical Vehicle Light - TankNutDave.com
The The US Mobile Tactical Vehicle Light (MTVL) is an improved stretched out M113A3 APC, creating a larger internal volume, improved suspension and bigger engine. This means larger and better gunned turrets can be mounted, the ability to carry appliqué armour for better protection on the existing welded aluminium structure, as well as a bigger ...
M113A3+/M113A4 Mobile Tactical Vehicle Light (MTVL) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · While the M113A3 is simply an update of the original APC design, the MTVL (Mobile Tactical Vehicle, Light) attempts to realize more fully the potential of the upgrade's components. The most...
Variants of the M113 armored personnel carrier - Wikipedia
MTVC (Mobile Tactical Vehicle Heavy Resupply) – A replacement for the M548 logistical carriers, It is a flatbed variant of the MTVL with fold-down armoured sides and a tailgate. It provides improved carrying capacity and protection over the previous carrier along with a hydraulically operated crane mounted at the rear of the armoured cab ...
Army Guide - MTVL, Tracked armoured personnel carrier
The MTVL is essentially an M113 APC with a new lower hull configured for the six road wheel high-mobility suspension and an uprated power pack that features the NATO-approved electronically controlled Detroit Diesel 6V-53 TIA, turbocharged, intercooled and after-cooled engine that develops 400 hp.
US Tracked APCs - pmulcahy.com
The Mobile Tactical Vehicle Light, Cargo Carrier (MTVC) The MTVC is sort of a “stripped out” version of the MTVL, optimized for carrying bulk cargo instead of troops. It retains the commander’s station, though the commander’s station is not normally ringed by gun shields as they would interfere with the rotation of the cargo crane from ...
M113 Armored Personal Carrier (1954) - tank-afv.com
The M113 APC for Armoured Personal Carrier was the most legendary of them all. Built to around 80,000, sold to 60 countries, modified to a hundred variants.
電源管理系統——家用、商務和大型企業 - APC China
常见光纤接头以及PC、APC和UPC的区别 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
对于都是金属的连接器而已,常忽略这两个缩写。如FC/PC我们可以约定俗成称为PC,而APC则指的是FC/APC。 PC指的是紧密接触(physical contact),同样是紧密接触,根据 回波损耗 的不同,连接器分为PC, SPC,UPC和APC。SPC指的是super physical contact, UPC指的是ultra physical contact ...
深入Windows APC - 寂静的羽夏 - 博客园
2022年2月4日 · 这可以用于将APC插入原始线程,或通过调用KeUnstackDetachProcess将线程脱离原进程。 APC 的类型. APC有两个基础类型:内核APC和用户APC。内核APC给予了开发者更多便利来处理APC排列和处理(我们在本篇博文已讨论过用户APC)。
涡轴发动机燃烧室入口速度和燃油/空气比对出口温度剖面性能影响 …
本文针对使用 RP-3 液体燃料的混流驻涡燃烧器 (MTVC) 中入口速度和燃料/空气比 (FAR) 对出口温度分布的影响进行了实验研究。 这种新型 MTVC 使用单腔来稳定涡轮轴发动机的火焰。 在大气压下,在不同入口速度和燃料/空气比的扇形试验台上检查了温度分布性能,例如温度不均匀性、径向温度分布、分布系数(RTDF)和模式系数(OTDF)。 通过分析型腔内的温度分布规律,得出了出口温度分布特征规律的原因。 结果表明,MTVC 获得了令人满意的温度分布,能够满足涡 …