Immunoglobulin M - Wikipedia
Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is the largest of several isotypes of antibodies (also known as immunoglobulin) that are produced by vertebrates. IgM is the first antibody to appear in the …
IGHM Gene - GeneCards | IGHM Protein | IGHM Antibody
2024年12月25日 · The IGHM gene encodes the C region of the mu heavy chain, which defines the IgM isotype. Naive B cells express the transmembrane forms of IgM and IgD (see IGHD; …
Immunoglobulin heavy chain - Wikipedia
The first identified was the μ (or mu) heavy chain that is present in all jawed fish and is the heavy chain for what is thought to be the primordial immunoglobulin. The resulting antibody, IgM, is …
IgM-最大抗体结构与功能 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
IgM 结合的感染细胞的 Fc 区可以激活 补体蛋白 (参与第一道防线的一组血清蛋白),其级联激活许多其他补体蛋白,最终通过增强 吞噬细胞 的吞噬作用或通过形成膜攻击来破坏感染细胞复 …
Immunoglobulin Mu Chain - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
IgM is another major antibody produced in the primary immune response to antigens. Although the IgM monomers are composed of two heavy and two light chains like IgG molecules, the …
Structure, Function, and Therapeutic Use of IgM Antibodies
Natural immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies are pentameric or hexameric macro-immunoglobulins and have been highly conserved during evolution. IgMs are initially expressed during B cell …
免疫球蛋白重常数μ(IGHM)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性 ...
免疫球蛋白 (Ig) 是 B 细胞的抗原识别分子。 Ig 分子由通过二硫键连接的 2 条相同的重链和 2 条相同的轻链 (参见 MIM 147200) 组成,因此每条重链都连接到一条轻链,并且 2 条重链连接在一 …
IGHM immunoglobulin heavy constant mu [ Homo sapiens …
2025年3月8日 · The IGHM gene encodes the C region of the mu heavy chain, which defines the IgM isotype. Naive B cells express the transmembrane forms of IgM and IgD (see IGHD; MIM …
2010年8月12日 · The IGHM gene encodes the C region of the mu heavy chain, which defines the IgM isotype. Naive B cells express the transmembrane forms of IgM and IgD (see IGHD; …
Immunoglobulin Mu Chain - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
An Immunoglobulin Mu Chain is a type of heavy chain in immunoglobulins, characterized by its molecular weight of 50 to 75 kDa and its role in defining the conformation of the antigen …