How to implement this function in mupad (MATLAB)
2013年3月17日 · Thank you for your reply. But I need them in a symbolic format. The code is in MATLAB, where mupad (a toolbox for symbolic processing of matlab) produces symbolic results. The 'c' in a constant which is not knows for now, you …
Newest 'mupad' Questions - Stack Overflow
I have discovered a strange behavior in MuPAD version 5.7.0 (MATLAB R2011b), and I would like to know whether this is a bug, and if not so, what I am doing wrong. Ideally, I would also like to know ...
Error messege about identifiers in mupad procedures
2013年6月25日 · I try to write functions in mupad but it seems I haven't understood how procedures and identifiers work. I get every time the message "Error: Unexpected 'identifier'". First example: I tried changing the first row of a given matrix to [1 1 ... 1]. I wrote the following code:
Simplify an equation in Matlab (MuPAD) - Stack Overflow
As per MuPAD's documentation, the relational operator <> denotes inequality, i.e., the left- and right-hand side are not equal. In other words, the simplification (before "and") is only valid if 3*Gm + 2*Gd + 2*t is not equal to 2*P*(Gd - Gm + t). This is the same thing as requiring that the denominator of the original expression not be zero ...
MuPAD: How to determine just the existence of solutions to a set …
2014年3月20日 · Using MuPAD, I want to find out if at least one solution exists for a set of of linear inequalities. For example, the following system of linear inequalities: For example, the following system of linear inequalities:
How to extract specific parts of an equation in MuPAD or Maple
2013年12月6日 · I have MuPAD and Maple and I would like to do the following with one of those softwares: I have an equation containing several cosines with different amplitudes and different arguments as depictetd in the picture below in the first (blue) row.
mupad - Matlab change in symbolic notation of derivative - Stack …
2020年2月18日 · I've recently upgraded Matlab from 2013b to 2019a (yes, I know, a lot has changed....but not software costs). I have some "legacy code" which makes heavy use of the symbolic tool box. One thing that
matlab - Pretty MuPad: Output of assignment, expression and …
2015年7月28日 · You can't directly see the name of a variable before it's passed into a Matlab function (use inputname for this), and MuPAD is no different. Additionally, arguments are normally evaluated before they get passed into the functions or procedure.
Solving a system of equations with Matlab/Mupad
2014年12月10日 · I need to evaluate the transfer function of a circuit i.e. the output voltage (vo)/input current (is). I was wondering if Matlab/ Mupad has a functionality to do this without using numerical values (I need a symbolic equation). It is kind of like solving the following system of equations, where the variable v1 needs to be eliminated.
math - MuPad in Matlab - Stack Overflow
2012年7月14日 · The most important problem I have with MuPad, is about the number of records in groups (it is always below 10). Thank you for your help. Example about the formula above: you have two groups "1 2 3" and "4 5 6".