Gaius Licinius Mucianus - Wikipedia
Gaius Licinius Mucianus (fl. 1st century AD) was a Roman general, statesman and writer. He is considered to have played a role behind the scenes in the elevation of Vespasian to the throne.
Gaius Licinius Mucianus | Roman official | Britannica
…the neighbouring governor of Syria, Gaius Licinius Mucianus. The matters discussed between the two commanders are unknown, but the circumstances cannot but raise the question whether they were already considering a bid for power. Vespasian seems to have claimed that further operations against the Jews required a directive from the… Read More
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提圖斯·弗拉維烏斯·維斯帕西亞努斯 (Titus Flavius Vespasianus,9年11月17日—79年6月23日), 英語化 作 維斯帕先 (Vespasian), 羅馬帝國 弗拉維王朝的第一位 皇帝。 他是 四帝之年 (69年)的最後一位皇帝,結束了自 尼祿 皇帝死後,帝國18個月以來的戰亂紛爭情勢。 在他10年的統治期間,積極與 羅馬元老院 合作,改革內政,重建經濟秩序。 後世普遍對這位皇帝有正面評價。 維斯帕先的父親「提圖斯·弗拉維烏斯·培特羅」屬於羅馬的 騎士階級,曾在前1世紀的羅 …
These words of the Roman governor in Syria, C. Licinius Mucianus, which are part of the speech in which Tacitus had him urge on Vespasian to reach for the emperorship, show that Mucianus appreciated his own strength, but nevertheless welcomed Vespasian to the highest office. The above citation suggests that Mucianus might have been a rival
Vespasian's éminence grise, Gaius Licinius Mucianus, was without doubt an extraordinary man, whose colourful world interacts with that of Pliny the Elder in both literary and political terms. Mucianus is perhaps best known for the invaluable practical assistance which he offered
Mucianus - Military Wiki | Fandom
Gaius Licinius Mucianus (fl. 1st century AD) was a general, statesman and writer of ancient Rome. His name shows that he had passed by adoption from the gens Mucia to the gens Licinia. He was sent by Claudius to Armenia with Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. Under Nero he is recorded as suffect consul ca. 65.
Gāius Licinius Mūciānus - Oxford Reference
4 天之前 · Reconciled with Vespasian after earlier disagreements, Mucianus encouraged his designs and secured the allegiance of Syria. Leading the Flavian army through Asia Minor and the Balkans, he was anticipated by Antonius Primus in the invasion of Italy and defeat of the Vitellians, but was able on the way to repel a Dacian incursion (see dacia) into ...
Mucianus, Caius Licinius° - Encyclopedia.com
MUCIANUS, CAIUS LICINIUS °, governor of Syria during the Roman War (66–70 c.e.) and a prominent supporter of Vespasian's successful attempt to assume the leadership of the Roman Empire. As governor of Syria, Mucianus is known to have supported certain privileges of the Jewish community at Antioch.
Tacitus and C. Licinius Mucianus - Academia.edu
Presented as “kingmaker” to Vespasian, Mucianus —or rather Tacitus’ portrayal of him — proves to be a crucial but neglected guide to the methods and sympathies of the historian whose career depended on the Flavian Dynasty and who chose to tell its story in his Histories.
Licinius Mucianus - Encyclopedia
LICINIUS MUCIANUS, Roman general and statesman, lived during the 1st century A.D. His name shows that he had passed by adoption from the Mucian to the Licinian gens.