Who wins between Goku SSJ4 GT and Goku MUI DBS : …
2024年1月12日 · But Jiren defeated Kaioken X20 Goku easily while UI Sign Goku was competing with Jiren so I will give UI Goku a 50X Boost over KX20 SSB Goku. Then we have MUI who is massively strongernthwn UI Sign Goku so I will give him a X10 power boost considering even the gods were surprised by his power, a X10 boost seems fine.
Goku notices Super 17 can absorb ki attacks so he decides to finish him off with his strongest move, the newly mastered 10x Kamehameha. Super 17 just barely manages to absorb it and becomes far stronger than Goku. Goku desperately restrains Super 17 until Dr. Myuu accidentally gives him the idea to explode.
GOKU GT (SS4) VS GOKU SUPER (MUI) | Dragonball Hyper Episode 2,5 Previously in episode 2, Goku wished for a powerful alternate ego from another world: Son Goku (GT), and asked him for...
Goku VS GT Goku VS Goku Black POWER LEVELS Over The Years - YouTube
DBS Goku MUI VS GT Goku MUI VS Goku Black MUI POWER LEVELS Over The Years All Forms - DBS / DBGT / SDBHFollow me on instagram @ yosha_db :https://www.instag...
MUI Goku vs GT: Ultimate Showdown - TikTok
690 Likes, 115 Comments. TikTok video from Spartanic ArtzDxD (@spartanicartzdxd): “Witness the epic battle as MUI Goku takes on the GT universe. Experience power like never before. #dragonball #dragonballsuper #dragonballz #dragonballdaima #dbgt #dbz #dbs #gogeta #goku #ccgoku #gogetassj4 #broly #gokussj4 #zeno #spartanicartzdxd #manga …
Goku MUI (Dragon Ball Super) vs SSJ4 Goku (Dragon Ball GT)
2021年4月28日 · Continuity/Canon: original dragon ball manga and super manga for mui goku and dbgt and dbz movies for sjj4 goku. Period/Saga/Era: SSJ4 for gt goku and mui for super goku. Starting...
SSJ4 Gogeta vs MUI Goku : r/dragonball - Reddit
2020年7月25日 · Do you think SSJ4 Gogeta or MUI Goku would win? I honestly have no idea, they are both really strong, but I do know it would be a good fight. As I always do with these hypotheticals, here's a quantitative attempt at an answer: SSJ4 is commonly attributed a 10x boost on the prior max power (so SSJ3).
MUI Goku vs SSJ4 Gogeta - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年3月12日 · MUI is have much stronger ki manipulation and can pull more energy blasts in just a few seconds and has got speed that makes ssj4 gogeta slow as snail. Well, to put it in short. MUI would...
UI/MUI is better than SSJ4 and here is why : r/Dragonballsuper - Reddit
We see Super 17 beating Goku's ass in SSJ4 while MUi Goku absolutely beat the shit our of Moro even when he absorbed Merus's angel powers. Even today MUI is still special considering Beast Gohan could only land one attack on Goku and he did by …
THIS TOO GOOD! Junior Reacts to GOKU GT (SS4) VS GOKU (MUI ... - YouTube
2024年4月17日 · AstroBeatz) Check out Gaming Channel: @JRPLAYS23 ALL LINKS ARE HERE: https://linktr.ee/belikejr Original Video: • The DRACONIC WARRIOR / GT Goku (SSJ4)... #reaction #reactionvideo #sticknodes...