MuaKey - Tận hưởng ưu đãi lớn của Game Moblie, Steam, Origin, Uplay, Battle.net, GOG, PSN, Nintendo and XBOX CD-keys an toàn và giá cả tốt nhất thị trường.
Gridded National Soil Survey Geographic Database (gNATSGO)
The soil map units are uniquely identified by the mukey, which is included in the attribute table. The database has 70 tables that contain soil attributes, and relationship classes are built into the database to define relationships among tables. The raster can be joined to the Mapunit and Muaggatt tables in the MUKEY field.
Understanding the MUSYM field on SSURGO dataset?
Jul 16, 2018 · MUSYM is an abbreviation for Map Unit Symbol. It is a shortened string for the Map Unit Name. You should have also received a series of tables (either as text files, personal geodatabase, or FGDB) with the spatial data. Use the MUKEY attribute to join the spatial data with the Mapunit table to get the full Map Unit Name.
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mukey COCROPYLD (Component Crop Yield) cocropyldkey (PK) cokey (FK1) COCANOPYCOVER (Component Canopy Cover) cocanopycovkey (PK) cokey (FK1) CHORIZON (Horizon) chkey (PK) cokey (FK1) cokey CODIAGFEATURES (Component Diagnostic Features) codiagfeatkey (PK) cokey (FK1) COECOCLASS (Component Ecological Classification)
NRCS Hydric Soils List - Natural Resources Conservation Service
mukey: A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table. Mapunit_SYM: The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey. Mapunit_Name: Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in …
Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO 2.2) Product Description …
Each cell (and polygon) is linked to a map unit identifier called the map unit key (MUKEY). A unique map unit key is used to link raster cells and polygons to attribute tables, including the new value added look up (valu) table that contains additional derived data.
Data to Link to GIS layer with MUKEY Column - USDA
Data to Link to GIS layer with MUKEY Column. This script retrieves a parent table of map unit symbols and names with a multipart related child table for components. The map unit table has a primary key (Table_Id) and the component table has a …
Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic …
These grids are a raster representation of the gSSURGO and gNATSGO map unit keys (mukey) for the conterminous United States at a resolution of 30m. The GeoTIFF format is used to ensure maximum compatibility. Cell values are map unit keys, encoded as unsigned 32-bit integers.
Soil Drainage and Productivity Indexes | US Forest Service
However newly soil surveyed areas will receive new MUKEYs that will have no join to these 2023 tables. And in some cases, soil properties of existing MUKEYs will get updates that could cause 2023 DI and PI values for those MUKEY joins to be outdated.