ECC81 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The Mullard ECC81 was designed for RF use and is of medium impedance. It was used as a frequency changer in five station television sets. In this application the oscillator triode would be the first to cease working. The ECC81 also makes an …
AUDIO VALVES: ECC81, 12AT7, A2900, B152, B309, B739 ... - MULLARD …
The Mullard ECC81 was designed for RF use and is of medium impedance. It was used as a frequency changer in five station television sets. The ECC81 also makes an excellent phase splitter in modern audio applications too.
12AT7 / ECC81 Mullard - TubeDepot.com
This is the Famous Mullard 12AT7. We mostly have the CV4024 version. The CV stands for "Common Valve" which is a military designator for the British military. Any tubes that were designated for the military, by law, could not have the factory logo on them. Often, CV tubes would be re-labeled after
Mullard 10M ECC81 / 12AT7 Gold Pin Preamp Vacuum Tube
The incredibly rare Mullard 10M ECC81 / 12AT7 vacuum tube is a new-old-stock treasure. Made in Great Britain, manufacturing was at Mullard's Mitcham factory in the mid 1960s. Construction details are gold pin, large halo getter, and small-plates.
ECC81, MULLARD, OLD SHIELD, YELLOW PRINT, FACTORY CODE, Tk3 B4D1, BLACKBURN 1964 MANUFACTURE. On offer today is a lovely Mullard ECC81, a premium quality ECC81 carrying the date code for 1961. Carrying good white print, it tests as excellent using my AVO Valve Characteristic Meter VCM163 with the following results: At Va = 250V Vg = -2.0V.
ECC81/CV4024-MULLARD - Watford Valves
When used to drop the gain in a guitar amplifier or pedal you get that dynamic Mullard tone. Sonically the valves are warm and clean with excellent top end extension. This is certainly the best Mullard ECC81 ever made and a great valve to use in guitar amplifier as well as high end audio due to its outstanding performance.
Mullard ECC81 - Reverb
Mint items are in essentially new original condition but have been opened or played. Learn more. Product safety information may be available here. Bought New and unused/untested. Kept in box for couple of years. Good as new!
This is a historic PAIR of ECC81 absolutely produced by MULLARD with code B = Blackburn plant, British made and ONLY branded PHILIPS Miniwatt. Absolutely authentic Mullard construction, Plate with three holes, Ring-getter and admirable "Old Logo". TEST between 90 to 100%, Good balancing and matching.
Mullard ecc81/CV4024/M8162 - Hot Rox UK
Mullard ecc81/CV4024/M8162 is a military spec ecc81 manufactured in the old Mullard Blackburn factory. The CV4024 marking separates this valve as one of the elites that was designed to work in difficult operating situations for the RAF. Probably, one of the best ecc81 valves around today and ideal for the phase-inverter position.
Mullard ECC81 / 12AT7 10M Master Series GT Britain 1960's
NOTE: This tube is operating as a brand new 10M series ECC81 / 12AT7. One of the best testing ECC81 tubes in stock. The reason for the "excellent" rating and not mint is due to the faded stencils and white tube box. Exceedingly rare, audiophile quality with closely matched triodes and a 10,000-hour rated heater.
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