Multirotor - Wikipedia
A multirotor [1] or multicopter is a rotorcraft with more than two lift-generating rotors. An advantage of multirotor aircraft is the simpler rotor mechanics required for flight control.
多軸飛行器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
多軸飛行器 (英語: Multirotor aircraft),也称 多旋翼直升机 (Multicopter),是一種具有超过兩個 旋翼 軸的 旋翼航空器。 由每個軸末端的 電動機 轉動,帶動旋翼從而產生上升動力。 旋翼的角度固定而不像 直升飞机 那样可变。 透過改变不同旋翼之间的相对速度可以改变推进力的 扭矩,从而控制飞行器的运行轨迹。 由於多旋翼比較簡單穩定,目前實作的多軸飛行器外型相對 飛機 來說小很多,因而適合業餘、休閒使用。 因为多軸飛行器容易制造和控制,所以常用来制作 …
多轴飞行器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
多轴飞行器(英语: Multirotor aircraft ),也称多旋翼直升机(Multicopter),是一种具有超过两个旋翼轴的旋翼航空器。 由每个轴末端的 电动机 转动,带动旋翼从而产生上升动力。
Multirotor Drone & UAV: Everything You Need to Know
2023年5月12日 · Multirotor UAVs are drones that adopt more than two rotors with fixed-pitch rotating blades to generate lift. The angle of the rotor is fixed and not variable like in a helicopter. By changing the relative speed between different rotors, the torque of propulsion force can be changed to control the trajectory of the aircraft.
Multirotor Drones | Multi Rotor UAV & UAS | Multicopter …
2023年10月20日 · What is a multirotor drone? Multirotors are UAVs that use more than two rotors with fixed-pitch spinning blades that generate lift. By changing the speed of the rotors so that the thrust generated is greater than, equal to or less than the forces of gravity and drag acting on the aircraft, the drone can be made to ascend, hover or descend.
多旋翼无人机及其应用领域 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年12月18日 · 多旋翼无人机,也称为多轴飞行器(Multirotor),是一种具有三个及以上旋翼轴的垂直起降无人机。 它通过每个轴上的电动机旋转,带动旋翼,从而产生升推力。
Fully Actuated Multirotor UAVs: A Literature Review
Abstract: In the last decade, the aerial robotics community has witnessed an increased interest in fully actuated multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that have more capabilities than conventional underactuated multirotors. This article collects the different UAV designs having fully actuated aerodynamic wrench generation proposed in the ...
Multi-Fov-Constrained Trajectory Planning for Multirotor Safe …
Ensuring a safe landing in emergencies is the most basic requirement, and it is important to make full use of all the sensors of the multirotor. To improve the safety of UAV landing in unknown unstructured scenes, this paper proposes a multi-FOV-constrained trajectory planning algorithm.
Multirotor Aerial Vehicles: Modeling, Estimation, and Control of ...
Multirotor Aerial Vehicles: Modeling, Estimation, and Control of Quadrotor Abstract: This article provides a tutorial introduction to modeling, estimation, and control formultirotor aerial vehicles that includes the common four-rotor or quadrotor case.
Types of Multirotor - Oscar Liang
2016年11月3日 · What is Multirotor. Multicopters (as known as multirotors) often use fixed-pitch propellers, so the control of vehicle motion is achieved by varying the relative speed of each motor. Radio controlled multicopters are increasingly popular for …
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