One Psychologist’s Tips for Raising Strong Multiracial Kids
2023年4月20日 · A family psychologist offers tips for parents encountering tricky questions as they navigate a world that isn’t always welcoming to mixed-race kids.
Multiracial Children - AACAP
Multiracial children are one of the fastest growing demographic segments of the U.S. population. The number of mixed-race families in America is steadily increasing, due to a rise in interracial marriages and relationships, as well as an increase in transracial and international adoptions.
5 ways to help multiracial kids embrace every part of their identity
2021年10月29日 · Here are five tips to empower multiracial children to accept their full intersectional identities and feel secure in who they are, and to help single-race kids accept and embrace their diversity, too.
Things to Know If You Love a Multiracial Child - EmbraceRace
Learn why we choose to use "multiracial" and explore the idiosyncracies, commonalities, challenges and opportunities of growing up multiracial and raising multiracial children. So You Want to Raise a Young White Ally? Join the EmbraceRace community!
7 ways to nurture multiracial kids to embrace their identity
2022年10月27日 · 7 ways to nurture multiracial kids to embrace their identity. Mixed-race children often encounter the cringey “What are you?” question — here’s how to talk about race with intention and prepare them with a strong sense of self.
Growing up Multiracial - Psychology Today
2019年11月2日 · Do you want to help your multiracial child foster a positive self-esteem? Learn how to be affirmative of your child's multiracial identity as they grow and change.
Raising Multiracial Children: A Parent's Guide - Biracial …
Multiracial children need guidance to become resilient as they navigate the world. Teaching kids early about their ancestry through stories and books, giving them strong role models, and making compromises with your partner is essential to successfully raising multiracial children.
The rise of multiracial and multiethnic babies in the U.S.
2017年6月6日 · Multiracial or multiethnic infants include children less than 1 year old whose parents are each of a different race, those with one Hispanic and one non-Hispanic parent, and those with at least one parent who identifies as multiracial.
Generation Mixed Goes to School: Radically Listening to Multiracial Kids
A conversation about the particular experiences of multiracial kids at school - from the perspective of those kids and of the caregivers and teachers…
Raising Multiracial Children, Part 1: Examining… - EmbraceRace
In Part 1 in this conversation about raising multiracial kids we speak with our guests - Drs. Victoria Malaney Brown, Marcella Runell Hall and Kelly Faye Jackson - about some of the complexities of identifying with more than one race, and about the pivotal role families play in shaping how multiracial children come to understand themselves and ...