Munifex-class light cruiser | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Munifex-class light cruiser, colloquially known as the Class 1000 cruiser, was a light cruiser design from Kuat Drive Yards, used by the Trade Defense Force and the Galactic Empire.
Immunes - Wikipedia
Prior to becoming an immunis, men were required to serve as miles gregarius (also known as munifex), a non-specialist regular soldier. These men were the soldiers that made up the bulk of the legions, liable to perform guard duties, labour work and other less than desired duties.
伍基百科翻译 穆尼费克斯级轻巡洋舰(Munifex light cruiser)
2024年8月27日 · 穆尼费克斯级轻巡洋舰,绰号1000级巡洋舰,是夸特动力船坞生产的轻巡洋舰,被贸易联盟防卫军和银河帝国使用。 制造商:夸特动力船坞. 型号:穆尼费克斯级轻巡洋舰. 类型:巡洋舰. 长度:300m. 超空间等级:2级,后备12级. 武器:涡轮激光炮*28;离子炮*12. 载机:TIE战机中队*1. 船员:船员580名,炮手80名. 运兵:200人. 载货量:500吨. 用途:巡逻. 出现时间:214BBY之前. 属于:行星贸易联盟,贸易防卫军;银河帝国. 穆尼费克斯级最初由贸易防 …
Munifex-class Light Cruiser - Star Wars: Exodus Visual …
The Munifex-class Light Cruiser, also known as the Class 1000 Cruiser, is a light cruiser design from Kuat Drive Yards, used by the Galactic Empire. Relatively heavily-armed for its size, but not boasting the fastest hyperdrive, or the most powerful of shields, it is not as prominent as ships...
Niðavellir Shipyard
The Munifex is a fairly standard corvette-class warship operated by Resistance fleets - it's fast, atmosphere-capable, and armed with specialist missiles akin to those equipped by the UCM's Santiago.
Intrepid (Munifex-class) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Intrepid was a[1] Munifex-class light cruiser[2] of the Imperial Navy. During the Galactic Civil War, it patrolled the Gesaril system under the command of Captain Dulrain in search of smugglers amongst the system's heavy freight traffic.[1]
Munifex-class | Starwars: Shattered Empire Wiki | Fandom
Munifex-class Light Cruiser AKA: Class 1000 Cruiser Production information; Manufacturer Kuat Drive Yards. Product line Cruiser, Light Model Munifex-class Class Cruiser, Light Technical specifications; Length 300m Engine unit(s) KDY ion engines Hyperdrive rating Class 2.0 Class 12.0 (Backup) Hyperdrive range 9 Grid per Turn 4 Grid per Turn (Backup)
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Munifex Corvette - Dropfleet Commander Wiki
The Munifex is a fairly standard corvette-class warship operated by Resistance fleets - it's fast, atmosphere-capable, and armed with specialist missiles akin to those equipped by the UCM's Santiago. Despite their relative ubiquity amongst the …
Munifex-class Light Cruiser | Wiki | Warfare Roleplay Amino
The Munifex-class light cruiser, colloquially known as the Class 1000 cruiser, was a light cruiser design from Kuat Drive Yards, used by the Trade Defense Force and the Galactic Empire.