So what's going to happen with Murky? (2005 Blizzcon pet)
2019年11月3日 · The original Collector’s Edition owners are able to keep their pets in Classic, so why can’t Blizzcon 2005 attendees have Murky in Classic aswell? Seems a little unfair…
Murky obtained in 2022 - Pet Battles - World of Warcraft Forums
2022年11月12日 · Hey guys, Trainer Made here, WRA. I managed to obtain Murky yesterday! After nearly 16 years of wishing I had this pet. I wanted people to know that it’s still possible to get Murky in 2022. I used wowtcgloot, digital code. They were very pleasant to work with. I also saw only positive reviews regarding that site. :Quotes: “La-la-la la-la” “Aagalao?” “Euw-ehuh!” “ewuh ...
Murky and Classic WoW - World of Warcraft Forums
2019年4月17日 · Not many of us left with Murky (blizzcon 05) pet anymore, but Murky was a part of Vanilla WoW so i’m wondering if those of us with Murky on our accounts will have him in WoW classic? He was part of vanilla and wouldn’t break the game, it doesn’t affect many people, and there’s no reason why not. He’s part of vanilla WoW, too! It …
WoW classic, CE pets, and MURKY - World of Warcraft Forums
2019年5月15日 · The silence is truly baffling considering how EASY the solution is (A GM ticket for murky owners, all 100 of us left lol) and considering they set the precedent with the vanilla CE pets already. Murky needs to be in WoW classic, he’s in the code and blizz knows who has them. Their silence is infuriating on this subject.
Why the Vanilla CE pets, but not Murky? - WoW Classic General ...
2019年7月26日 · Why allow the vanilla CE pets, but not Murky Blizzard? It kinda reeks of favorite child syndrome. BOTH were the iconic pets from vanilla, both were part of vanilla for pretty much the entire experience. They both belong. This isn’t a “take their pets” post; i WANT the vanilla CE pet owners to have their pets. They deserve them, i wish i had them then and still do now. But why are Murky ...
If Collector's Edition owners get their pets, then let us have Murky
2019年5月14日 · According to the blue post here: Collector’s Edition owners of the original WoW will get the pets in Classic. I have no problem with this, but it is only fair that us Murky owners (reward for attending BlizzCon) are allowed to keep our pet as well.
Murky, Diablo, Ext - WoW Classic General Discussion - World of …
2019年5月27日 · Will players be able to purchase/obtain/redeem Murky, Diablo, ext. pets in Classic? Would love for a GM to answer this question.
Knight-Captain Murky Known but not able to summon
2024年2月13日 · Cannot Summon Knight-Captain Murky on alliance toon, Legionnaire Murky Not showing as learned But i DO have the Murloc Battlemasters Feat of Strength Achievement Hes marked out like the Core Hound pup battle pet does if you link your authenticator then delink it and it strips him from you. but he shouldnt be limited in any way This is my 2nd time posting about this my Support tickets seem to ...
Pro Murky build - General Discussion - Heroes of the Storm Forums
2020年6月22日 · Wow, this staggeringly massive wall of text of a thorough guide makes me old Chromie guide look pathetic in comparison! Based on the indepth analysis of this amazing guide, I now have a complete new understanding of Murky. Overly sarcastic jokes aside, I find a simple build as rather lacking.
Sylvanas Murky Pet Datamined - World of Warcraft Forums
2019年9月18日 · Just got datamined. The textures for it anyway. Meaning a Blizzcon pet most likely. And seeing how Murky Pets are usually made to represent the antagonist or protagonist of a WoW expansion. All aboard for Shadowlands?