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Murdoc Niccals | Gorillaz Wiki - Fandom
Oct 26, 2018 · Murdoc Faust Niccals (né Murdoc Alphonce Niccals) is the official bass player, self-proclaimed leader and founder of Gorillaz. Murdoc is based on The Rolling StonesW guitarist Keith RichardsW, Creeper from Scooby-DooW, Victor FrankensteinW [1] and Morgan Nicholls, a friend of Jamie Hewlett and...
Murdoc Niccals - 百度百科
Murdoc Niccals(魔头)是英国虚拟乐队 Gorillaz 的团长/贝斯手,演唱的歌曲由《Murdoc is god》。 全名:Murdoc Niccals 昵称:魔头 所属乐队: Gorillaz (虚拟乐队-街头霸王) 乐队职务:团长/贝斯手 聪明乐观的酷哥贝斯手Murdoc,不修边幅的他其实是 Gorillaz 中心思最为缜密敏锐的团长,以自修方式练就而成优异贝斯弹奏技巧和写歌制作功力,更使他成为主宰全团的舵手。 而身为 Gorillaz 发言人的他,歌迷也可从中感受到他目中无人的主宰霸气。 Gorillaz 的组成来自于主 …
Gorillaz - Wikipedia
Murdoc Faust Niccals (born Murdoc Alphonce Niccals) is the bassist for the band. He is voiced by Phil Cornwell and was created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. Murdoc is based on Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, Victor Frankenstein, and Creeper from Scooby-Doo.
Gorillaz - 百度百科
Gorillaz,由Damon Albarn和Jamie Hewlett共同创造的英国虚拟乐队,由主唱2-D、贝斯手Murdoc Niccals、吉他手Noodle和鼓手Russel Hobbs四位虚拟角色组成。 1998年在英国埃塞克斯被创造。
Gorillaz Interview on The Now Now: 2D reveals all about Murdoc - NME
Jun 29, 2018 · After decades at the top, Gorillaz have just released their first album without errant bassist Murdoc. And it’s had quite the effect on frontman/ape 2D, finds Dan Stubbs. It’s 20 years since...
Murdoc Niccals/Biographies | Gorillaz Wiki | Fandom
The officially released biographies for Gorillaz member, Murdoc Niccals. The snaggle toothed svengali of Gorillaz, his flop fringe disguises a mind like a rusty steel trap. Self-taught bassist, wannabe frontman, he's the band's warped back seat …
Murdoc Niccals - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Murdoc Faust Niccals (born Murdoc Alphonce Niccals; 6 June 1966) is the fictional bassist for the British animated rock band Gorillaz. He is voiced by Phil Cornwell and was created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett .
Murdoc - Wikipedia
Murdoc is a fictional character that appears in the ABC television series MacGyver and in the CBS reboot series of the same name. In both portrayals, Murdoc is an assassin and frequent antagonist of both series.
Gorillaz – The Book of Murdoc - Genius
Oct 22, 2016 · Murdoc decided that evacuation was the bravest option, and fled heroically in a rusty brown submarine. With only a crate of Psycho Jerry's Rum for sustenance and Cyborg Noodle for company, Murdoc...