Is murzyn the equivalent of the n-word in English? : r/learnpolish
The n-word is "czarnuch". "Murzyn" means simply a black person. One derogatory context I can think of is calling a non-black person a murzyn, which means the said person is being used or exploited in some way, like "X zrobił sobie z Y murzyna" -> "X made a murzyn out of Y" which means X is using Y to do some stuff for him.
how is the word 'murzyn' viewed in poland? : r/Polska - Reddit
2022年6月20日 · Murzyn is not offensive, it can be used as such, however you can do it with ither words too. Especially since Poland has words for black People that are literally offensive like czarnych which literally translates into nigger Bambus is another deregatory term for Murzyn implying that all Black's are stupid Probably the most offensive in Polish ...
Conversation about experiencing racism in Poland (in Polish)
2020年6月12日 · But once again Murzyn becomes a symbol of someone wild, simple, and uncivilised. And this context is strong in that word today. While for majority of poles might think that it's not be a problem on a conscious level, it does exist and affect how we …
Is the Polish word 'mużyn' the same as the n-word? Is it ... - Reddit
Whilst to most Poles “murzyn” might not be racist, it is insensitive, especially when you can use the term “czarnoskóry” to refer to black-skinned persons or “Afro-Amerykanczyk” in reference to African Americans.
Is the Polish word 'mużyn' the same as the n-word? Is it ... - Reddit
"Murzyn" is not so much a slur, as a sort of inconsiderate word. Like something that non-racist boomers say, because that's what you called these people "back in the day." The problematic thing comes from the fact that there were very few black people in Poland in the Iron Curtain times, so there was no consideration for politeness/impoliteness ...
Czy murzyn jest tak samo złe jak n-word? : r/Polska - Reddit
2022年1月24日 · Murzyn jako słowo przyszedł do języka polskiego z łaciny jako Maurus (w sumie to przez kontakt z czeskim), gdzie oznaczało to konkretnie mieszkańca Afryki północnej. Rożnica między Maurus, a Negro (Czarny), jest jednak znacząca.
Is it true that the N word is normal in Poland? : r/poland - Reddit
In polish there is no "N word". We have other words for black people and some are very offensive, some more ambiguous. Often N word is translated as "murzyn" but i find it problematic because "murzyn" is nowhere as offensive in polish as N word is in english. "Murzyn" is …
Tasty Murzynek... : r/poland - Reddit
2023年2月23日 · BTW never heard of "biały murzyn" and "murzynic" in real life, and I'm fifty. It seems that it's just made up, to make the case. At the same time: take note that Zyd (Jew) is a source of really derogatory uses and sentences, but is not derogatory by itself.
"Murzyn" is not a slur : r/HistoryMemes - Reddit
2020年8月4日 · And so the latin word for Moor was maurus and in Polish it evolved into Murzyn. The term itself doesn't come with any prejudice but it is used in a few offensive sayings (Sto lat za Murzynami - 100 years behind the blacks, robić za Murzyna - do the black's work, etc.). There is a movement "Don't call me Murzyn". But it's very unpopular.
śmieszny murzyn : r/okkolegauposledzony - Reddit
2022年4月18日 · 551 votes, 42 comments. 59K subscribers in the okkolegauposledzony community. Witamy na stronie internetowej smieszne.pl miłej zabawy