Musca Borealis - Wikipedia
Musca Borealis (Latin for northern fly) was a constellation, now discarded, located between the constellations of Aries and Perseus. [1] It was originally called Apes (plural of Apis, Latin for bee) by Petrus Plancius when he created it in 1612.
北蝇座 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
北蠅座 (拉丁语: Musca Borealis, 英語 表示為"northern fly ")是一個曾經位於 白羊座 和 英仙座 之間,但現在已經被 廢棄 的星座 [1]。 北蠅座是荷蘭天文學家彼得勒斯·普朗修斯(Petrus Plancius)於1612年創建的。 它最初被稱為 Apes (Apis的複數,拉丁語中蜜蜂的意思)。 它由位於 白羊座 的北部,現在被稱為 胃宿增五 (白羊座33)、 胃宿一 (白羊座35)、 胃宿二 (白羊座39)和 胃宿三 (白羊座41)的一小群恆星組成 [2]。 最亮的恆星是胃宿三(Bharani), 視星 …
北蝇座 - 百度百科
北蝇座(拉丁语:Musca Borealis)是一个已经被废除的星座,位于白羊座和英仙座之间,胃宿一、胃宿二和胃宿三是北蝇座的主星,1690年由波兰天文学家约翰·赫维留首先创立,以和位于南天球的南蝇座相对应。
Musca Constellation (the Fly): Stars, Story, Facts, Location ...
Musca is a small constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere. It represents the fly. The constellation is home to the Spiral Planetary Nebula (NGC 5189), the Hourglass Nebula (MyCn 18), and the Dark Doodad Nebula.
Musca Borealis - Michigan State University
Later star atlases recognized the constellation as a fly, called Musca Borealis. The term borealis (northern) was added to distinguish the constellation from Musca Australis, the southern fly, which is located below the Crux, the southern cross.
Star Tales – Musca Borealis - Ian Ridpath
Johann Bode showed Musca on his Uranographia atlas of 1801, but within the borders of Aries (below). The constellation later became known as Musca Borealis, the northern fly, to distinguish it from its southern namesake. This longer name seems to have first appeared on Alexander Jamieson’s Celestial Atlas of 1822 (Plate 13).
Star Lore Constellations Musca Boreales - judy-volker.com
Musca Borealis is a now obsolete constellation in the northern hemisphere, named in the late 1600s by Johannes Hevelius. In 1612, Dutch-Flemish astronomer and cartographer Petrus Plancius designed six new constellations in the northern hemisphere and …
Musca Borealis - SpringerLink
The group of four bright stars most commonly identified on historic charts as Musca Borealis has a complex history in which both of two competing representations were ultimately discarded. The representations are here considered separately (Fig. 16.1).
SkyEye: Musca Borealis - obliquity.com
The lily (fleur-de-lis), of course, is the emblem of France. At about the same time, German/Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius (1611–1687) renamed it Musca Borealis. The bee/wasp/lily/fly sits on the back of the ram Aries.
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Musca Borealis
• Musca Borealis dates back to 1612 when Petrus Plancius grabbed the 4th and 5th magnitude stars later known as 33, 35, 39, and 41 Arietis, and created a bee. He called it Apis. • Jakob Bartsch reworked these stars in 1624 as a more sinister sounding wasp, Vespa. • In 1687 Johannes Hevelius depicted it as a fly, Musca.