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Muskox - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
Male and female muskoxen both have separate age-based hierarchies, with mature oxen being dominant over juveniles. Dominant oxen tend to get access to the best resources and will displace subordinates from patches of grass during the winter. Muskox bulls assert their dominance in many different ways.
Muskox Animal Facts - Ovibos moschatus - A-Z Animals
2024年5月27日 · Ovibos moschatus is the scientific name for a musk ox. The Latin word Ovibos means sheep-ox and moschatus means musky. These mammals are called Oomingmak (the bearded-one) by the Inupiaq people in Alaska. Musk oxen belong to the Bovidae family and are in the Mammalia class. The two subspecies of musk ox include:
Qiviut - Wikipedia
Qiviuq [sg] or qiviut [pl] (/ ˈkɪviət / KIV-ee-ət; Inuktitut syllabics: ᕿᕕᐅᖅ; Inuinnaqtun: qiviuq; [1] Inupiaq: qiviu or qiviuq[2] (sometimes spelled qiveut)) is the inner wool of the muskox. In Inuinnaqtun the same word can be used to refer any down such as the down feathers of birds. [1]
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Muskox Qiviut Wool - Arctic Canada Trading
Authentic Muskox Qiviut wool products from the Northwest Territories Canada. Qiviut is the soft under fur of the Muskox is used to create many knitted items such as hats, scarves and headbands. Qiviut is eight times warmer than wool and is softer and lighter than cashmere.
Qiviuk Boutique | Handcrafted Luxury Wool Clothing
Our Qiviuk Boutique the Nature of Luxury features Handcrafted, Sustainable Luxury Qiviut Wool Clothing for men and women. Handcrafted from some of the rarest unique fibers. 10% off your 1st purchase.
Qiviut - World's Finest Wool
The Qiviut - pronounced as Ki-vee-oot, is a recent discovery in the world of animal fibers. It is special beyond its unique qualities. Different communities manage the production and distribution of Qiviut. The muskox or oomingmak as it is called by the Inuits has two layers of hair to protect it in the Arctic climate.
Músico - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Un músico (del griego: μουσική [τέχνη]; del latín: mūsicus) [1] o musicante[2] es una persona que toca un instrumento musical o produce una melodía utilizando su propia voz. [3] . Cualquiera que compone, dirige o interpreta música se denomina músico. [4] .
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